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As You Like It, incidental music: Main Theme lyrics
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Part of these releases
Popular Wisconsin Shakespeare Festival Songs
- King Lear, incidental music: Mad Music for Edgar
- Troilus and Cressida, incidental music: Alternate scene change into Greek Camp
- As You Like It, incidental music: Blow, blow thou Winter Wind
- Othello, incidental music: Curtain Call
- Merry Wives of Windsor, incidental music: Music for the Garter Inn
- Two Gentelmen of Verona, incidental music: Who is Sylvia?
- Cymbelin, incidental music: Overture
- The Winter's Tale, incidental music: Music to Awake the Salute
- Midsummer Night's Dream, A, incidental music: If We Shadows Have Offended
- Measure for Measure, incidental music: Overture
- see all by Wisconsin Shakespeare Festival
As You Like It, incidental music: Main Theme Video
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