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Orphan Train lyrics
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Part of these releases
- Track 9 on Starlight on the Rails: A Songbook Disc 3
- 8 Utah on "Collie Wilkins"
- 10 Utah on "Miner's Lullabye"
- 10 Utah on "The Miner's Lullaby"
Popular Utah Phillips Songs
- Wobbly Doxology
- Intro: Industrial Dark Age
- No More Reds in the Union
- Intro: North Idaho Miner's War and the Western Federation of Miners
- Harry Orchard
- Intro: Big Bill Haywood and His Family
- Intro: The Life of Mary Harris 'Mother Jones'
- De Colores
- The Charge on Mother Jones
- Bury Me in My Overalls
- see all by Utah Phillips
Orphan Train Video
Comments on Orphan Train
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