Trinity College Chapel Choir Cambridge Follow
Vide homo, quae pro te patior, motet for 5 voices & continuo lyrics
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Part of these releases
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- De profundis clamavi ad te Domine, motet for 5 voices & continuo
- O quam beata lancea, motet for 5 voices & continuo
- Vide homo, quae pro te patior, motet for 5 voices & continuo
- Gaude et laetare, Jerusalem, motet for 5 voices & continuo
- Qui vult venire post me, motet for 5 voices & continuo
- O Domine Jesu Christe, pastor bone, motet for 5 voices & continuo
- Non omnis qui dicit mihi Domine, motet for 5 voices & continuo
- Petite et accipietis, motet for 5 voices & continuo
- Beati pauperes spiritu, motet for 5 voices & continuo
- Laudate Dominum omnes gentes, motet for 5 voices & continuo
- see all by Trinity College Chapel Choir Cambridge
Vide homo, quae pro te patior, motet for 5 voices & continuo Video
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