Travis Tritt Follow

Sometimes She Forgets lyrics

If you see her out tonight
And she tells you that it's just the lights
That bring her here and not her loneliness
That's what she says but sometimes she forgets

If she tells you she don't need a man
She's had all the comfort she can stand
You'd best believe a every word she says
But don't give up 'cause sometimes she forgets

And sometimes she forgets that not too long ago she swore
She wasn't gonna let her heart be broken anymore

So now she keeps it locked away
Woah when it grows colder every day
And it won't warm to any man's caress
That's what she says but sometimes she forgets

And sometimes she forgets that not too long ago she swore
She wasn't gonna let her heart be broken anymore

So if you see her out tonight
And she tells you that it's just the lights
That bring her here and not her loneliness
That's what she says but sometimes she forgets

Yeah that's what she says but sometimes she forgets
So don't you dare give up 'cause sometimes she forgets, yeah, yeah

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