Tobias Hume
Captain Humes Poeticall Musicke (1607) - Music for Viols, Lute & Voice, Vol. 2 Lyrics
Disc 1
- The State of Gambo - The Earle of Worcesters favoret
- The virgins muse - The Lady Arbellaes favoret
- Sweet ayre - The Earle of Arundels favoret
- Musickes delight - The Earle of Southamptons favoret
- The Earle of Pembrookes Galiard
- A Spanish humor - The Lord Hays favoret
- The Spirit of Gambo - The Lord Dewys favoret
- The Pashion for Musicke - Sir Chistopher Hattons choice
- The King of Denmarkes health
- The Hunting Song