Thomas Tallis Lyrics Follow
Thomas Tallis (c. 1505 – 23 November 1585) was an English composer who occupies a primary place in anthologies of English choral music, and is considered one of England's greatest composers. He is honoured for his original voice in English musicianship. No contemporary portrait of Tallis survives: that painted by Gerard Vandergucht (illustration), dates from 150 years after Tallis died, and there is no reason to suppose that it is a likeness. In a rare existing copy of his blackletter signature, the composer spelled his last name "Tallys."
Source: Wikipedia
Popular Songs
- A Colloquy with God
- Ite missa est
- Missa sine nomine: Kyrie omnipotens Pater
- Kyrie: Cunctipotens Genitor Deus
- Missa sine nomine: Sanctus - Benedictus
- Missa sine nomine: Agnus Dei
- Missa sine nomine: Credo in unum Deum
- Missa sine nomine: Gloria in excelsis Deo
- Mass for Four Voices: Credo in unum Deum
- Mass for Four Voices: Sanctus - Benedictus
- Mass for Four Voices: Gloria in excelsis Deo
- Mass for Four Voices: Kyrie eleison
- Fantasia MB 11
- Ground MB 40
- Pavan Sir William Petre
- Galliard Sir William Petre
- Chromatic Galliard
- Chromatic Pavan
- Offertory
- Robin Hood
- Mass for five voices: Agnus dei
- O splender gloriae
- In ieiunia et fletu
- Mass for five voices: Sanctus & Benedictus
- Portia mea
- Almighty and everlasting god
- Mass for five voices: Credo
- Christe qui lux es et dies
- Mass for five voices: Kyrie eleison
- Nolo mortem peccatoris