The Turtles Follow
You Baby lyrics
The Turtles
You Baby
You Baby
The Turtles
(P.F. Sloan - Steve Barri)
Intro [drum beat followed by 12-string guitar]:
B D#m E B
v v v v v v v v v v
B D#m F# E B [N.C.]
v v v v v v v v
Verse 1:
B D#m
From the time I fall asleep
E F#
'Til the morning comes I dream about
B D#m E F#
You baby
B D#m
And I feel all right
E F#
'Cause I know tonight I'll be with
B D#m E B
D#m C#m
And who makes me feel like smiling
E F#
When the weary day is through
B E F# E B E F# E B
You baby, no-one but you, baby, nobody but you [2X]
[repeat intro]
Verse 2:
They say candy is sweet
But it just can't compete with
You baby
You've got everything I need
And nobody can please like
You do, baby
And who believes all my wildest dreams
And my craziest schemes will come true
[repeat chorus]
Bridge [rhythm guitar plays muted 1/8 notes: B5-B5-B6-B6 etc.]
A little ray of sunshine
A little bit of soul
Add just a touch of magic
C#m D#m E F#
You got the greatest thing since rock 'n' roll
[repeat chorus (2X); end cold]
The Turtles
You Baby
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