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Parlour Song Medley lyrics
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Part of these releases
- Track 16 on The Irish Tenors
- 15 Maggie
- 17 Red is the Rose
Popular The Irish Tenors Songs
- Sleigh Ride/Feliz Navidad
- Winter Wonderland/White Christmas/Jingle Bells
- Mary Did You Know
- Jingle Bell Rock/Round the Christmas Tree
- Hark the Herald
- Go Tell It on the Mountain
- I Heard the Bells
- The Irish Medley: Transa Na Dtonnta / Oro Se Bheatha 'Bhaile / An Poc Ar Buile
- The Courtin' Medley: Courtin' in the Kitchen / The Stone Outside Dan Murphy's Door / I'll Tell My Ma
- Eileen Og
- see all by The Irish Tenors
Parlour Song Medley Video
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