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Pop Goes the Weasel lyrics
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Part of these releases
- Track 19 on 50 nursery rhyme songs
- 18 Looby Loo
- 20 Isty-Bitsy Spider
- 20 Mary Had a Little Lamb
- Track 10 on Children's Sing-A-Long Favorites
- 9 London's Burning
- 11 I'm H-A-P-P-Y
- Track 24 on 100 Favorite Kids Songs (disc 3)
- 23 The Yellow Rose of Texas
- 25 Do Your Ears Hang Low?
- Track 49 on 150 Fun Songs for Kids Disc 2
- 48 The Yellow Rose of Texas
- 50 Do Your Ears Hang Low?
- Track 15 on 30 Super Songs
- 14 Fooba-Wooba John
- 16 The Mexican Hat Dance
- Track 49 on 50 Fun Songs for Kids #2
- 48 The Yellow Rose of Texas
- 50 Do Your Ears Hang Low?
- Track 31 on 100 Silly Songs Disc 2
- 30 Little Bunny Foo-Foo
- 32 The Flea Fly Song
- Track 15 on 20 Children's Sing-Along Favorites
- 14 The Ants Go Marching
- 16 The Farmer in the Dell
- Track 19 on Crayola: Animal Songs
- 18 Donkey Riding
- 20 The Farmer in the Dell
- Track 15 on Playtime Songs
- 14 Row, Row, Row Your Boat
- 16 Let's Play Dressup
Pop Goes the Weasel Video
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