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Hot Cross Buns lyrics
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Part of these releases
- Track 23 on Children's Sing-A-Long Favorites
- 22 This Little Pig
- 24 Goosey Goosey Gander
- Track 12 on 150 Fun Songs for Kids
- 11 Bye Baby Bunting
- 13 Jack & Jill
- Track 24 on 30 Super Songs
- 23 Skip to My Lou
- 25 The People on the Bus
- Track 12 on Mommy and Me: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
- 11 Bye Baby Bunting
- 13 Jack and Jill
- Track 24 on 100 Silly Songs
- 23 The Man on the Flying Trapeze
- 25 Shoo Fly
- Track 12 on 50 Super Songs for Kids #1
- 11 Bye Baby Bunting
- 13 Jack and Jill
- Track 5 on Playtime Songs
- 4 Roll Over
- 6 Jack and Jill
- Track 37 on 50 All-Time Childrens Favorites, Volume 2
- 36 Bye Baby Bunting
- 38 Jack and Jill
- Track 19 on 50 nursery rhyme songs CD2
- 18 Are You Sleeping
- 20 Wee Willie Winkie
Hot Cross Buns Video
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