The Consort of Musicke

John Dowland : The Collected Works Lyrics

Disc 1

  1. Unquiet Thoughts
  2. Who ever thinks or hopes of love
  3. My Thoughts Are Wing'd With Hopes
  4. If my complaints could passions move
  5. Can She Excuse My Wrongs
  6. Now, O Now, I Needs Must Part
  7. Dear, If You Change
  8. Burst Forth My Tears
  9. Go Crystal Tears
  10. Think'st Thou Then By Thy Feigning
  11. Come Away, Come Sweet Love
  12. Rest Awhile, You Cruel Cares
  13. Sleep, Wayward Thoughts
  14. All ye, whom Love or Fortune hat betray'd
  15. Wilt Thou Unkind Thus Reave Me
  16. Would My Conceit
  17. Come Again: Sweet Love Doth Now Invite
  18. His Golden Locks
  19. Awake, Sweet Love
  20. Come, Heavy Sleep
  21. Away With These Self-loving Lads

Disc 2

  1. I saw my Lady weep
  2. Flow my tears
  3. Sorrow, stay
  4. Die not before thy day
  5. Mourn, mourn, Day is with darkness fled
  6. Time's eldest son
  7. Then sit thee down
  8. When others sing Venite
  9. Praise blindness eyes
  10. O sweet woods
  11. If floods of tears
  12. Fine knacks for ladies
  13. Now cease my wand'ring eyes
  14. Come ye heavy states of night
  15. White as lilies was her face
  16. Woeful heart
  17. A shepherd in a shade
  18. Faction that ever dwells
  19. Shall I sue
  20. Toss not my soul
  21. Clear or cloudy
  22. Humour say what mak'st thou here

Disc 3

  1. Farewell, too fair
  2. Time stands still
  3. Behold a wonder here
  4. Daphne was not so chaste
  5. Me, me, and none but me
  6. When Phoebus first did Daphne love
  7. Say, Love, if ever thou didst find
  8. Flow not so fast, ye fountains
  9. What if I never speed?
  10. Love stood amazed
  11. Lend your ears to my sorrow
  12. By a fountain where I lay
  13. O what hath overwrought
  14. Farewell, unkind
  15. Weep you no more, sad fountains
  16. Fie on this feigning!
  17. I must complain
  18. It was a Time when silly bees
  19. The lowest trees have tops
  20. What poor astronomers are they
  21. Come when I call

Disc 4

  1. Disdain me still
  2. Sweet stay awhile
  3. To ask for all thy love
  4. Love, those beams that breed
  5. Shall I strive with words to move?
  6. Were every thought an eye
  7. Stay, Time, awhile thy flying
  8. Tell me, true Love
  9. Go nightly cares
  10. From silent night
  11. Lasso vita mia
  12. In this trembling shadow cast
  13. If that a sinner's sighs
  14. Thou mighty God
  15. When David's life
  16. When the poor cripple

Disc 5

  1. Where sin sore wounding
  2. My heart and tongue were twins
  3. Up merry mates
  4. Welcome black Night
  5. Cease, cease these false sports
  6. Lachrimae Pavan
  7. Can Shee
  8. Paduana
  9. The Frogge
  10. Frog's Galliard
  11. Pavana and Galiarda
  12. Paduana lachrymae
  13. Can She Excuse
  14. Pavion Solus cum sola
  15. Dowland's Almayne
  16. Piper's Pavan and Galliard
  17. Pavana Lachrymae

Disc 6

  1. The lamentation of a sinner
  2. Domine ne in furore
  3. Misrere mei Deus
  4. The humble suit of a sinner
  5. The humble complaint of a sinner
  6. De profundis
  7. Domine exaudi
  8. Lachrimae Antiquae
  9. Lachrimae Antiquae Novae
  10. Lachrimae Gementes
  11. Lachrimae Tristes
  12. Lachrimae Coactae
  13. Lachrimae Amantis
  14. Lachrimae Verae
  15. Mr. John Langton's Pavan
  16. Mr. Nicholas Gryffith his Galiard
  17. Sir John Souch his Galiard
  18. Semper Dowland Semper Dolens
  19. Mr. Giles Hobies Galiard
  20. The King of Denmark's Galiard
  21. Sir Henry Umpton's Funerall
  22. Mr. Henry Noell his Galiard
  23. The Earl of Essex Galiard
  24. Mr. Bucton his Galiard
  25. Mr. George Whitehead his Almand
  26. Captaine Digorie Piper his Galiard
  27. Mr. Thomas Collier his Galiard
  28. Mrs. Nichols Almand

Disc 7

  1. Sorrow, come!
  2. I shame at mine unworthiness
  3. An heart that's broken and contrite
  4. Psalm 100: All people that on earth do dwell
  5. Psalm 38: Put me not to rebuke O Lord
  6. Psalm 130: Lord to thee I make my moan
  7. Psalm 104: My soul praise the Lord
  8. Psalm 134: Behold and have regard
  9. A Prayer for the Queen's most excellent Majesty
  10. Solus cum sola pavan
  11. Lachrimae
  12. Galliard
  13. Pipers Pavan
  14. Lady Rich Galliard
  15. Earl of Essex Galliard
  16. If My Complaints
  17. Lachrimae Doolande
  18. Lord Willoughbie's Welcome Home
  19. My Lord Chamberlaine his Galliard
  20. Comagain
  21. Pavan Lachrymae
  22. Sorrow, stay

Disc 8

  1. Preludium
  2. Lachrimae
  3. Can She Excuse
  4. Dr. Case's Pavan
  5. Melancholy Galliard
  6. Sir John Smith his Almain
  7. Fantasia
  8. A Dream
  9. Almain
  10. The Queen's Galliard
  11. Coranto
  12. Resolution
  13. Mrs. Vaux Galliard
  14. Mr. Dowland's Midnight
  15. Loth to depart
  16. The Most Sacred Queen Elizabeth, Her Galliard
  17. The Earl of Essex, his Galliard
  18. Pavan
  19. John Dowland's Galliard
  20. Aloe
  21. The Lady Clifton's Spirit
  22. What if a day
  23. Mr. Giles Hobie's Galliard
  24. Come away
  25. Galliard
  26. Fancy

Disc 9

  1. Lachrimae
  2. Galliard to Lachrimae
  3. [Jig]
  4. Galliard on 'Walsingham'
  5. Complaint
  6. Mignarda
  7. Semper Dowland Semper Dolens
  8. The Frog Galliard
  9. A Fancy
  10. Fancy
  11. Pipers Pavan
  12. Captain Digorie Piper's Galliard
  13. Lady Laiton's Almain
  14. Dowland's Galliard
  15. Dowland's First Galliard
  16. Tarleton's Jig
  17. Walsingham
  18. Lord Willoughbie's Welcome Home
  19. Sir Henry Guilforde, his Almain
  20. Pavan
  21. Mr. Langton's Galliard
  22. Mrs. Clifton's Almain
  23. Galliard
  24. Lady Hunsdon's Puffe
  25. Go from my Window

Disc 10

  1. Pavana Johan Douland
  2. Mrs. Brigide Fleetwood's Pavan
  3. La mia Barbara
  4. Sir Henry Umpton's Funeral
  5. Lachrimae
  6. Farewell Fancy
  7. Farewell
  8. The King of Denmark's Galliard
  9. Mrs. Vaux's Jig
  10. Mrs. Nichol's Almain
  11. Galliard
  12. Lord Strang's March
  13. Mrs. Winter's Jump
  14. Can she excues
  15. The Shoemaker's Wife, a Toy
  16. Mrs. Norrish's Delight
  17. Mrs. White's Thing
  18. Mrs. White's Nothing
  19. The Frog Galliard
  20. Solus cum sola
  21. The Lord Viscount Lisle, his Galliard
  22. Orlando sleepeth
  23. Robin
  24. Forlorn Hope

Disc 11

  1. The Lady Russell's Pavan
  2. Fancy
  3. Sir John Langton's Pavan
  4. Earl of Derby, his Galliard
  5. A Coy Toy
  6. Fortune my foe
  7. Almain
  8. Mr. Knight's Galliard
  9. Sir John Souch his Galliard
  10. Tarletone's Riserrectione
  11. The Lady Rich, her Galliard
  12. Lachrimae Pavan
  13. Can she excuse Galliard
  14. Captain Piper's Pavan and Galliard
  15. The Frog Galliard
  16. Round Battell Galliard
  17. Dowland's First Galliard
  18. Katherine Darcie's Galliard
  19. Tarleton's Jigge
  20. Almain a 2
  21. Mistress Nichols Almann a 2
  22. Susanna Fair
  23. Mistress Nichols Alman a 5
  24. Mr. John Langton Pavan and Galliard
  25. La Mia Barbara Pavan and Galliard
  26. Lachrimae Antiquae Novae Pavan and Galliard

Disc 12

  1. Mistress Nichols Alman
  2. Volta a 4
  3. Were every thought an eye
  4. Lady if you so spite me
  5. Pavan a 4
  6. My heavy sprite
  7. Change thy mind since she doth change
  8. O eyes, leave off your weeping
  9. Go, my flock, go get you hence
  10. O dear life, when shall it be?
  11. To pleade my faith
  12. In a grove most rich of shade
  13. Far from triumphing court
  14. In darkness let me dwell
  15. Si le parler et le silence
  16. Ce penser qui sans fin tirannise ma vie
  17. Vous que la Bonheur rappelle
  18. Passava Amor su arco desarmado
  19. Sta notte mi sognava
  20. Vuestros ojos tienen d'Amor
  21. Se di farmi morire
  22. Dovro dunque morire?
  23. Amarilli mi bella
  24. O bella piu

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