Ron Jones

Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Ron Jones Project Lyrics

Disc 1

  1. The Naked Now: Rendezvous with Tsiolkovsky
  2. The Naked Now: Captain's Log
  3. The Naked Now: Longing for Sight
  4. The Naked Now: Change of Style
  5. The Naked Now: No Control
  6. The Naked Now: Troi's Feelings
  7. The Naked Now: Infection in Control
  8. The Naked Now: Exploding Star
  9. The Naked Now: Our Only Hope
  10. The Naked Now: Ending
  11. Where No One Has Gone Before: Log
  12. Where No One Has Gone Before: The Test
  13. Where No One Has Gone Before: Long Distance
  14. Where No One Has Gone Before: Beyond Velocity
  15. Where No One Has Gone Before: Billion Light Years Away
  16. Where No One Has Gone Before: Eine Kleine Nachtmusik
  17. Where No One Has Gone Before: Talk with Mom
  18. Where No One Has Gone Before: He's Dying
  19. Where No One Has Gone Before: Center Your Thoughts
  20. Where No One Has Gone Before: Ensign Wesley
  21. Lonely Among Us: Taking Aboard Delegates
  22. Lonely Among Us: Not Herself
  23. Lonely Among Us: Malfunction
  24. Lonely Among Us: Investigation
  25. Lonely Among Us: Reverse Direction
  26. Lonely Among Us: Officer's Meeting
  27. Lonely Among Us: Riker's Log
  28. Lonely Among Us: P for Picard
  29. Lonely Among Us: Picard is Back

Disc 2

  1. The Battle: Stand By
  2. The Battle: Med Scan
  3. The Battle: Supplemental
  4. The Battle: Caught Up
  5. The Battle: Hello Old Friend
  6. The Battle: Confession
  7. The Battle: Waves
  8. The Battle: No Response
  9. The Battle: Destroy the Sphere
  10. Datalore: Omicron Destination
  11. Datalore: Omicron Arrival
  12. Datalore: Data's Brother
  13. Datalore: Data's Hope
  14. Datalore: Perfect Android
  15. Datalore: Image
  16. Datalore: Deception
  17. Datalore: No Answer
  18. Datalore: Crystal Attacks
  19. Datalore: Knock Out
  20. 11001001: Docking at Starbase 74
  21. 11001001: The Enhancement
  22. 11001001: Jazz
  23. 11001001: Bynars
  24. 11001001: The Nearness of You
  25. 11001001: I Remember You
  26. 11001001: Abandon Ship
  27. 11001001: Stealing the Enterprise
  28. 11001001: Isn't it Romantic
  29. 11001001: Don't Go
  30. 11001001: Auto-Destruct
  31. 11001001: Help Us
  32. 11001001: Access the File
  33. 11001001: Back in Order
  34. 11001001: Nearness of You and Ending

Disc 3

  1. When the Bough Breaks: Escape from Calculus
  2. When the Bough Breaks: Aldean Log
  3. When the Bough Breaks: Interesting Choices
  4. When the Bough Breaks: Scanning the Children
  5. When the Bough Breaks: The Trade
  6. When the Bough Breaks: Act of Barbarity
  7. When the Bough Breaks: New Parents
  8. When the Bough Breaks: Custodian
  9. When the Bough Breaks: Music Lesson
  10. When the Bough Breaks: Log of Three Days
  11. When the Bough Breaks: Passive Resistance
  12. When the Bough Breaks: Diagnosis
  13. When the Bough Breaks: Captain and Kids
  14. When the Bough Breaks: Attack of the Killer Fur Ball
  15. Heart of Glory: Battle Signs
  16. Heart of Glory: Questions
  17. Heart of Glory: The Corridor
  18. Heart of Glory: Looking for Life Signs
  19. Heart of Glory: Klingon Sting
  20. Heart of Glory: Keep You Posted
  21. Heart of Glory: A Klingon's Feelings
  22. Heart of Glory: Moment of Decision
  23. Heart of Glory: Hostage
  24. Heart of Glory: Making Demands
  25. Heart of Glory: What's the Sit
  26. Heart of Glory: Wouldn't Be the Same

Disc 4

  1. Skin of Evil: Crossing Zed Lapis
  2. Skin of Evil: Strange Readings from Vagra
  3. Skin of Evil: Blocked Path
  4. Skin of Evil: Trouble of Vagra II
  5. Skin of Evil: Confessions of a Slime Ball
  6. Skin of Evil: It's Not Easy Bein' Slime
  7. Skin of Evil: Skins Game
  8. Skin of Evil: Grave Danger
  9. Skin of Evil: Entertain Me
  10. Skin of Evil: Spits Riker Out
  11. Skin of Evil: Skin of Evil
  12. Skin of Evil: Tasha's Goodbye
  13. We'll Always Have Paris: Fencing
  14. We'll Always Have Paris: Towards Pegos Minor
  15. We'll Always Have Paris: New Coordinates
  16. We'll Always Have Paris: Seeing Her Again
  17. We'll Always Have Paris: Touching Another Dimension
  18. We'll Always Have Paris: Fear of Staying
  19. We'll Always Have Paris: Crusher's Wish
  20. We'll Always Have Paris: Lab Visit
  21. We'll Always Have Paris: Countdown
  22. We'll Always Have Paris: Out of the Tunnel
  23. We'll Always Have Paris: We'll Always Have Paris
  24. The Neutral Zone: Waiting
  25. The Neutral Zone: Trouble Zone
  26. The Neutral Zone: Transition I
  27. The Neutral Zone: Sonny & Data
  28. The Neutral Zone: Clare's Hope
  29. The Neutral Zone: No Outposts
  30. The Neutral Zone: Romulan Encounter
  31. The Neutral Zone: We Are Back
  32. The Neutral Zone: Mission Forward

Disc 5

  1. Where Silence Has Lease: Worried
  2. Where Silence Has Lease: Toward Morgana Quadrant
  3. Where Silence Has Lease: Void
  4. Where Silence Has Lease: Fake Attack
  5. Where Silence Has Lease: Ghost Ship
  6. Where Silence Has Lease: Fly in Amber
  7. Where Silence Has Lease: Rats in a Maze
  8. Where Silence Has Lease: The Hole
  9. Where Silence Has Lease: Dilemma
  10. Where Silence Has Lease: First Gymnopédie
  11. Where Silence Has Lease: Auto-Destruct
  12. The Outrageous Okona: Erstwhile Encounter
  13. The Outrageous Okona: Link Up
  14. The Outrageous Okona: Questions
  15. The Outrageous Okona: Ten Forward
  16. The Outrageous Okona: Endless Night
  17. The Outrageous Okona: Unidentified Vessel
  18. The Outrageous Okona: Shades
  19. The Outrageous Okona: Ancient Codes
  20. The Outrageous Okona: Staying
  21. The Outrageous Okona: Comedy Spotlight
  22. The Outrageous Okona: Discontinue Comic
  23. Loud as a Whisper: Diverted to Ramatis
  24. Loud as a Whisper: Ramatis Vibes #2
  25. Loud as a Whisper: Meet Riva
  26. Loud as a Whisper: True Meaning
  27. Loud as a Whisper: Time to Go
  28. Loud as a Whisper: Solais Five
  29. Loud as a Whisper: Not Alone
  30. Loud as a Whisper: Normal Eyes
  31. Loud as a Whisper: Return to Solais
  32. Loud as a Whisper: Peacemaker's Peace

Disc 6

  1. A Matter of Honor: Stardate 42506.5
  2. A Matter of Honor: Bacterial Colony
  3. A Matter of Honor: Impress Me
  4. A Matter of Honor: No Warning
  5. A Matter of Honor: Etiquette
  6. A Matter of Honor: This Means War
  7. A Matter of Honor: Encouraging Mendon
  8. A Matter of Honor: Report
  9. A Matter of Honor: Riker Takes Command
  10. The Royale: Theta Eight Log
  11. The Royale: Eye of the Storm
  12. The Royale: Who's Afraid of Mickey D
  13. The Royale: Not Alive
  14. The Royale: Feeling Trapped
  15. The Royale: Dead Guy
  16. The Royale: Rita Called
  17. The Royale: The Shootout
  18. The Royale: Hot Hands
  19. The Icarus Factor: Captain's Log
  20. The Icarus Factor: Cool Reception
  21. The Icarus Factor: The Right Thing
  22. The Icarus Factor: Emotional Baggage
  23. The Icarus Factor: What Makes Us Human
  24. The Icarus Factor: Ascension Chamber
  25. The Icarus Factor: Rite of Ascension
  26. The Icarus Factor: Anbo-Jyutsu
  27. The Icarus Factor: Resolution
  28. Q Who: Courtesy
  29. Q Who: Sensing Trouble
  30. Q Who: Search
  31. Q Who: Old Enemies
  32. Q Who: Spin Out
  33. Q Who: Yellow Alert
  34. Q Who: The First of Many
  35. Q Who: Attacked
  36. Q Who: Away Team
  37. Q Who: The Nursery
  38. Q Who: Out of Your League
  39. Q Who: They Will Be Coming

Disc 7

  1. Up the Long Ladder: Feeling Sick
  2. Up the Long Ladder: Klingon Tea Ceremony
  3. Up the Long Ladder: Situation
  4. Up the Long Ladder: Chicken
  5. Up the Long Ladder: Riker and Brenna
  6. Up the Long Ladder: Foot Sex
  7. Up the Long Ladder: I Got a Red Nose From the Wearin' o' the Green
  8. Up the Long Ladder: Clones
  9. Up the Long Ladder: The Meeting
  10. Up the Long Ladder: The Cloning Lab
  11. Up the Long Ladder: Terminal Fading
  12. Up the Long Ladder: Three Husbands
  13. The Emissary: Enigmatic Message
  14. The Emissary: Boradis Destination
  15. The Emissary: Emissary
  16. The Emissary: Unfinished Business
  17. The Emissary: Broken Glass
  18. The Emissary: Exercise Program
  19. The Emissary: Wipe That Klingon Smile Off Your Face
  20. The Emissary: Cloaked Enemy
  21. The Emissary: The Option
  22. The Emissary: Meaning
  23. Shades of Gray: The Wound
  24. Shades of Gray: Situation
  25. Shades of Gray: The Sample
  26. Shades of Gray: All Negative
  27. Shades of Gray: Infection Spreads
  28. Shades of Gray: Patterns
  29. Shades of Gray: Shades of Pleasure
  30. Shades of Gray: Earth Boys are Easy
  31. Shades of Gray: Shades of Sadness
  32. Shades of Gray: Isolated Memories
  33. Shades of Gray: Critical Condition
  34. Shades of Gray: Comedy: The Final Frontier

Disc 8

  1. Evolution: Double Star
  2. Evolution: System Failure
  3. Evolution: Computer Daydreams
  4. Evolution: Traps
  5. Evolution: Bad Air
  6. Evolution: Matter of Survival
  7. Evolution: Nanite Negotiations
  8. Evolution: The Blast
  9. Who Watches the Watchers: Repair Mission
  10. Who Watches the Watchers: Help Arrives
  11. Who Watches the Watchers: The Vision
  12. Who Watches the Watchers: Liko Sees God
  13. Who Watches the Watchers: Ancestor's Beliefs
  14. Who Watches the Watchers: Riker's Ideas
  15. Who Watches the Watchers: Saving Palmer
  16. Who Watches the Watchers: Punishment
  17. Who Watches the Watchers: We Are Flesh and Blood
  18. Who Watches the Watchers: No More Fear
  19. Who Watches the Watchers: Nuria's Plea
  20. Who Watches the Watchers: We Have Limits
  21. Who Watches the Watchers: Getting the Point
  22. Who Watches the Watchers: Nothing Beyond Reach
  23. Booby Trap: Moonlight and You
  24. Booby Trap: Ancient Warship
  25. Booby Trap: Ancient Battle Site
  26. Booby Trap: The Trap
  27. Booby Trap: Motionless
  28. Booby Trap: Leah Comes to Life
  29. Booby Trap: Experiment Failed
  30. Booby Trap: Human Factor
  31. Booby Trap: Touch
  32. The Price: Troi's Mood
  33. The Price: Orbit of Barzan
  34. The Price: Late for Dinner
  35. The Price: Higher Stakes
  36. The Price: Troi and Ral
  37. The Price: End of Hole
  38. The Price: Stretching
  39. The Price: Seeds of Doubt
  40. The Price: Ethics
  41. The Price: The Price

Disc 9

  1. The Defector: Scout Ship
  2. The Defector: Rescue
  3. The Defector: Scout Ship Explodes
  4. The Defector: Interrogation
  5. The Defector: Valley of Chula
  6. The Defector: Cooperation
  7. The Defector: Treaty Violation
  8. The Defector: The Stand-Off
  9. The Defector: Suicide
  10. The High Ground: Planet of Discontent
  11. The High Ground: No Trace
  12. The High Ground: Infirmary
  13. The High Ground: Terrorist Attack
  14. The High Ground: Aftermath
  15. The High Ground: Cave
  16. The High Ground: Imperfect Solution
  17. The High Ground: Take Us Out
  18. A Matter of Perspective: Perspectives
  19. A Matter of Perspective: Investigation
  20. A Matter of Perspective: Orders
  21. A Matter of Perspective: Programming Computer
  22. A Matter of Perspective: Evidence
  23. A Matter of Perspective: Fatal Neckties
  24. A Matter of Perspective: Don't Worry
  25. A Matter of Perspective: Final Evidence
  26. The Offspring: Another Day in Space
  27. The Offspring: Learning to Sense
  28. The Offspring: Click Off
  29. The Offspring: Beloved
  30. The Offspring: Opinions
  31. The Offspring: Before the Storm
  32. The Offspring: Thanks for the Memory Chips

Disc 10

  1. Allegiance: All's Well
  2. Allegiance: No Hurt
  3. Allegiance: We Are Prisoners
  4. Allegiance: Night Strings
  5. Allegiance: I Only Gag When You're Near
  6. Allegiance: Suspicion
  7. Allegiance: Mutiny
  8. Allegiance: Defiance
  9. Allegiance: Experiment Over
  10. Allegiance: The Look
  11. Ménage à Troi: Reception
  12. Ménage à Troi: Betazed Garden
  13. Ménage à Troi: Wake Up
  14. Ménage à Troi: Gamma Nebula
  15. Ménage à Troi: Oo-mox
  16. Ménage à Troi: Fulfilled
  17. Ménage à Troi: No Clue
  18. Ménage à Troi: The Message
  19. Ménage à Troi: Agreement
  20. Ménage à Troi: Real Ensign
  21. Brothers: No Joke
  22. Brothers: Data Takes Over
  23. Brothers: Talk with Willie
  24. Brothers: Cascade Sequence
  25. Brothers: Really You
  26. Brothers: Soong is Dying
  27. Brothers: Sleight of Hand
  28. Brothers: Goodbye, Father
  29. Brothers

Disc 11

  1. Reunion: Unexpected Rendezvous
  2. Reunion: Day Care
  3. Reunion: K'mpec is Dead
  4. Reunion: Love and Conflict
  5. Reunion: Threats
  6. Reunion: Curiosity
  7. Reunion: Revenge
  8. Reunion: Father and Son
  9. Final Mission: Summons
  10. Final Mission: Shuttle Trouble
  11. Final Mission: No Water
  12. Final Mission: Desert Trek
  13. Final Mission: The Cave
  14. Final Mission: The Fountain
  15. Final Mission: Towing
  16. Final Mission: Lethal Exposure
  17. Final Mission: The Promise
  18. Final Mission: New Course
  19. Final Mission: Final Mission, Part I
  20. Final Mission: Final Mission, Part II
  21. Final Mission: You Will Be Missed
  22. Data's Day: Voice Mail
  23. Data's Day: T'Pel Arrives
  24. Data's Day: Middle Man
  25. Data's Day: Transporter Emergency
  26. Data's Day: Observation
  27. Data's Day: Bear Gets You
  28. Data's Day: Understanding
  29. Devil's Due: Marley and Scrooge
  30. Devil's Due: Rescue Clark
  31. Devil's Due: Disappointed
  32. Devil's Due: Contract
  33. Devil's Due: Expose
  34. Devil's Due: Can't Locate
  35. Devil's Due: Bag of Tricks
  36. Devil's Due: Contract Dissolved

Disc 12

  1. First Contact: What Are You?
  2. First Contact: Crisis Room
  3. First Contact: Appearance
  4. First Contact: Beyond Dreams
  5. First Contact: Paranoia
  6. First Contact: Failed Escape
  7. First Contact: Decisions
  8. First Contact: Drugged
  9. First Contact: Another Path
  10. First Contact: Acceptance
  11. Night Terrors: Vessel of Death
  12. Night Terrors: Body Bag
  13. Night Terrors: Mystery of Brittain
  14. Night Terrors: Adrift
  15. Night Terrors: The Morgue
  16. Night Terrors: Feeling Fear
  17. Night Terrors: Data's Log
  18. Night Terrors: Circles
  19. Night Terrors: Pleasant Dreams
  20. The Nth Degree: Cyrano de Bozo
  21. The Nth Degree: The Flash
  22. The Nth Degree: Probe Threat
  23. The Nth Degree: Aftermath
  24. The Nth Degree: Neural-Scan Interface
  25. The Nth Degree: Unexpanded Brain
  26. The Nth Degree: Do Your Duty
  27. The Nth Degree: Faith
  28. The Drumhead: Suspicion
  29. The Drumhead: Satie's Arrival
  30. The Drumhead: Seen Before
  31. The Drumhead: The Hearing
  32. The Drumhead: Seeing
  33. The Drumhead: Implications
  34. The Drumhead: Observations
  35. The Best of Both Worlds, Part I: Early Worm
  36. The Best of Both Worlds, Part I: Preparations
  37. The Best of Both Worlds, Part I: Contemplations
  38. The Best of Both Worlds, Part II: Repairs Complete
  39. The Best of Both Worlds, Part II: Currents
  40. The Best of Both Worlds, Part II: Sitting Ducks

Disc 13

  1. The Naked Now: MFX 11
  2. The Naked Now: Needing Love
  3. Where No One Has Gone Before: Warp Home
  4. When the Bough Breaks: Oops
  5. Heart of Glory: Alpine Horn
  6. The Neutral Zone: Low-Mileage Pit Woofies
  7. Where Silence Has Lease: Fatal Decision
  8. The Royale: Puzzle Piece
  9. The Royale: Who's Afraid of Mickey D
  10. The Royale: Mickey in D
  11. The Icarus Factor: Cool Reception
  12. The Icarus Factor: Rite of Ascension
  13. The Icarus Factor: Anbo-Jyutsu
  14. Q Who: Prisoner
  15. Q Who: First Borg
  16. Q Who: The Nursery
  17. Up the Long Ladder: Klingon Tea Ceremony
  18. Up the Long Ladder: I Got a Red Nose From the Wearin' o' the Green
  19. The Emissary: Probe
  20. The Emissary: Unfinished Business
  21. The Emissary: The Oath of Bonding
  22. The Emissary: Wild FX
  23. Who Watches the Watchers: Saving Palmer
  24. Booby Trap: Human Factor
  25. The Price: Seduction
  26. The Price: Seeds of Doubt
  27. The Defector: Suicide Pill
  28. The High Ground: Planet of Discontent
  29. The High Ground: Imperfect Solution
  30. A Matter of Perspective: Clearing the Signal
  31. A Matter of Perspective: Chief Investigator
  32. A Matter of Perspective: Radiation
  33. A Matter of Perspective: Final Evidence
  34. The Offspring: Data's Child
  35. The Offspring: Choices
  36. The Offspring: Beloved
  37. Allegiance: All's Well
  38. Allegiance: Captain's Abduction
  39. Allegiance: Suspicion
  40. Ménage à Troi: Reception
  41. Ménage à Troi: Tog’s Proposition
  42. Ménage à Troi: The Kiss
  43. Ménage à Troi: Signal
  44. Reunion: Unexpected Rendezvous
  45. Reunion: Curiosity
  46. Final Mission: Summons
  47. Final Mission: The Fountain
  48. Data's Day: Course Correction
  49. Data's Day: Intuition
  50. Devil's Due: Call for Help
  51. Devil's Due: Contract
  52. Devil's Due: Tricks
  53. First Contact: What Are You?
  54. First Contact: Appearance
  55. First Contact: Beyond Dreams
  56. First Contact: Failed Escape
  57. First Contact: Acceptance
  58. Night Terrors: Eyes in the Dark
  59. Night Terrors: Hearing Things
  60. Night Terrors: One Moon
  61. Night Terrors: Data's Log
  62. Night Terrors: Wild Choir
  63. The Nth Degree: Cyrano de Bozo
  64. The Nth Degree: New Man
  65. The Nth Degree: What to Do
  66. The Drumhead: How it Starts

Disc 14

  1. Star Trek: Starfleet Academy Theme
  2. Starfleet Academy: Starfleet Academy Theme
  3. Starfleet Academy: Surrounded
  4. Surrounded
  5. Starfleet Academy: Evasive Maneuvers
  6. Evasive Manoeuvres
  7. Exploring the Unknown
  8. Starfleet Academy: Exploring the Unknown
  9. On the Edge
  10. Starfleet Academy: On the Edge
  11. Crew Introduction
  12. Starfleet Academy: Crew Introductions
  13. Starfleet Academy: Red Alert
  14. Red Alert
  15. Starfleet Academy: On to Victory
  16. On to Victory
  17. Starfleet Academy: Discovery
  18. Discovery
  19. Starfleet Academy: No Way Out
  20. No Way Out
  21. Starfleet Command: Intro Movie
  22. Starfleet Command: Race Selection
  23. Starfleet Command: Federation Menu Screen
  24. Starfleet Command: Federation Mission Start
  25. Starfleet Command: Federation Faster
  26. Starfleet Command: Federation Mission Failure
  27. Starfleet Command: Federation Mission Success
  28. Starfleet Command: Klingon Menu Screen
  29. Starfleet Command: Klingon Mission Start
  30. Starfleet Command: Klingon Faster
  31. Starfleet Command: Klingon Mission Failure
  32. Starfleet Command: Klingon Mission Success
  33. Starfleet Command: Romulan Menu Screen
  34. Starfleet Command: Romulan Mission Start
  35. Starfleet Command: Romulan Faster
  36. Starfleet Command: Romulan Mission Failure
  37. Starfleet Command: Romulan Mission Success
  38. Starfleet Command: Gorn Menu Screen
  39. Starfleet Command: Gorn Mission Start
  40. Starfleet Command: Gorn Faster
  41. Starfleet Command: Gorn Mission Failure
  42. Starfleet Command: Gorn Mission Success
  43. Starfleet Command: Lyran Menu Screen
  44. Starfleet Command: Lyran Mission Start
  45. Starfleet Command: Lyran Faster
  46. Starfleet Command: Lyran Mission Failure
  47. Starfleet Command: Lyran Mission Success
  48. Starfleet Command: Hydran Menu Screen
  49. Starfleet Command: Hydran Mission Start
  50. Starfleet Command: Hydran Faster
  51. Starfleet Command: Hydran Mission Failure
  52. Starfleet Command: Hydran Mission Success
  53. Starfleet Command
  54. Starfleet Academy (bonus tracks): Transitions #1-6
  55. Starfleet Academy (bonus tracks): Extended Tag
  56. Starfleet Academy (bonus tracks): Exploration Tags #1-4
  57. Starfleet Academy (bonus tracks): Losing Tags #1-4
  58. Starfleet Academy (bonus tracks): Winning Tags #1-4

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