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Memphis Sun lyrics
I'm on a wire above the water
I'm getting further from what I need
And now it's too late to turn the corner
I'm getting higher and I just can't see
Ashes down below
The tide is turning slow
Time to move along
To catch the Memphis sun
Ashes down below
The tide is turning slow
I travel all day long
To catch the Memphis sun
Mhmm, the devil's got my tongue
Open the window and wash me out to sea
I'm getting tired of turning water
Ashes down below
The tide is turning slow
Time to move along
To catch the Memphis sun
Ashes down below
The tide is turning slow
I travel all day long
To catch the Memphis sun
Oh yeah, to catch the Memphis sun
Ooh, I'm getting tired
I'm getting higher
I'm getting high to catch the Memphis sun
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