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Exodus lyrics
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Part of these releases
- Track 4 on Quincy Jones Plays Hip Hits
- 3 Desafinado
- 5 Cast Your Fate to the Wind
- Track 4 on Watermelon Man
- 3 Cast Your Fate to the Wind
- 5 Gravy Waltz
- Track 7 on Merry Old Man
- 6 Osie's Oasis
- 8 Bossa Nova USA
- Track 5 on Take 5
- 4 Cast Your Fate
- 6 Gravity Waltz
Popular Quincy Jones Songs
- Guitar Blues Odyssey: From Roots to Fruits
- Enter Laughing: I Hear You Calling
- Enter Laughing: David Dooze It
- Enter Laughing: Main Title
- Enter Laughing: Enter Laughing
- Enter Laughing: Pennies From Heaaven
- Enter Laughing: Exit Crying
- Enter Laughing: Vienna Wails
- Enter Laughing: Ha-Cha-Cha
- Synanon: Put Your Little Foot
- see all by Quincy Jones
Exodus Video
Comments on Exodus
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