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The Hat lyrics

Well, luckily for you, the cat is here

Think of a day that is rainy and gray
And as dull as they come
And there is nobody there
And you're kickin' a chair and it's, oh, so ho hum

Nothin' to do and nobody but you
On a day that is flatter than flat
Well, that is a day for the cat in the hat

Think of a house
That is small as a mouse
And as neat as a pin
Oh, it's so tiny and clean
If you know what I mean
And your folks are not in

No one but you since a quarter to two
And you've sat and you've sat and you've sat
Oh, that is the time for the Cat in the hat
The cat in the hat, in the hat, in the hat, in the hat

The cat and the cat and the cat
And the cat in the hat

Think of a day that is rainy and gray
And I'll show you some tricks
'Cause there is no one but you
And you're folks aren't due
Till a quarter past six

Bounce on the brink of whatever you think
And oh, what could be better than that?
And that is the fun of the cat in the hat

You've got a mind
That is one of a kind
So why hide it away?
It's time to open the locks
And think out of the box
And today is your day

Bounce on the brink of whatever you think
And oh, what could be better than that?
And that is the fun of the cat in the hat

The cat in the hat

Well, luckily for you, the cat is here

The Hat Video

https://youtube.com/devicesupport: (video from YouTube)

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