Pink Anderson
Good For What Ails You: Music of the Medicine Shows 1926-1937 Lyrics
Disc 1
- The Spasm - Daddy Stovepipe & Mississippi Sarah
- Tanner's Boarding House - Gid Tanner & Riley Puckett
- Don't Think I'm Santa Claus - Lil McClintock
- Hokum Blues - Dallas String Band with Coley Jones
- Jimbo Jambo Land - Shorty Godwin
- Gonna Swing On The Golden Gate - Fiddlin' John Carson & His Virginia Reelers
- Papa's 'Bout To Get Mad - Pink Anderson & Simmie Dooley
- The Man Who Wrote Home Sweet Home Never Was A Married Man - Charlie Parker & Mack Woolbright
- Bye, Bye, Policeman - Jim Jackson
- The Bald-Headed End Of A Broom - Walter Smith
- Bow Wow Blues - Allen Brothers
- Beans - Beans Hambone & El Morrow
- A Chicken Can Waltz The Gravy Around - Stovepipe # 1 and David Crockett
- Tell It To Me - Grant Brothers & Their Music
- Ain't No Use Working So Hard - Carolina Tar Heels
- Mama Keep Your Yes Ma'am Clean - Walter Cole
- C-H-I-C-K-E-N Spells Chicken - Kirk McGee & Blythe Poteet
- My Money Never Runs Out - Banjo Joe
- Railroadin' Some - Henry Thomas "Ragtime Texas"
- Traveling Man - Prince Albert Hunt's Texas Ramblers
- G. Burns Is Gonna Rise Again - Johnson-Nelson-Porkchop
- Baby All Night Long - Blue Ridge Mountain Entertainers
- Born In Hard Luck - Chris Bouchillon
- He's In The Jailhouse Now - Memphis Sheiks
Disc 2
- Gonna Tip Out Tonight - Pink Anderson & Simmie Dooley
- Chevrolet Car - Sam McGee
- It Ain't Gonna Rain No Mo' - Gid Tanner & His Skillet-Lickers
- Bring It With You When You Come - Cannon's Jug Stompers
- Atlanta Strut - Blind Sammie
- Go Along Mule - Uncle Dave Macon & His Fruit Jar Drinkers
- Casey Bill - Earl McDonald's Original Louisville Jug Band
- I Got Mine - Frank Stokes
- Hannah - Chris Bouchillon
- Adam & Eve In The Garden - Bogus Ben Covington
- Mysterious Coon - Alec Johnson & His Band
- Her Name Was Hula Lou - Carolina Tar Heels
- Reno Blues - Three Tobacco Tags
- Scoodle Um Skoo - Papa Charlie Jackson
- Stackalee - Frank Hutchison
- The Cat's Got The Measles, The Dog's Got The Whooping Cough - Walter Smith
- Shout You Cats - Hezekiah Jenkins
- Nobody's Business If I Do - Tommie Bradley
- Sweet Sixteen - Charlie Poole & The North Carolina Ramblers
- Ticklish Reuben - Charlie Parker & Mack Woolbright
- I Heard The Voice Of A Porkchop - Jim Jackson
- Shine - Dallas String Band with Coley Jones
- The Gypsy - Emmett Miller & His Georgia Crackers
- Kiss Me Cindy - J.E. Mainer's Mountaineers