Peter Breiner

The Complete National Anthems of the World Lyrics

Disc 1

  1. Acadia
  2. Abkhazia
  3. Afghanistan
  4. Aland Islands
  5. Albania
  6. Algeria
  7. American Samoa
  8. African Union
  9. American Virgin Islands
  10. Algeria Olympic)
  11. Andorra
  12. Angola
  13. Anguilla
  14. Antigua and Barbuda
  15. Argentina
  16. Armenia
  17. Aruba
  18. Australia
  19. Austria
  20. Azerbaijan
  21. Azores
  22. Bahamas
  23. Bahrain
  24. Bangladesh
  25. Barbados
  26. Basque Country
  27. Bavaria
  28. Belarus
  29. Belgium
  30. Belize
  31. Benin
  32. Bashkortostan
  33. Bermuda
  34. Bhutan
  35. Bolivia
  36. Bosnia Herzegovina
  37. Botswana

Disc 2

  1. Belgium
  2. Brazil
  3. Belize
  4. Benin
  5. British Indian Ocean Territory
  6. British Virgin Islands
  7. Bermuda
  8. Brunei Darussalam
  9. Bulgaria
  10. Burkina Faso
  11. Bhutan
  12. Bolivia
  13. Burundi
  14. Bonaire
  15. Cambodia
  16. Bosnia and Herzegovina
  17. Cameroon
  18. Canada
  19. Botswana
  20. Canary Islands
  21. Cape Verde
  22. Brunei
  23. Catalonia
  24. Cayman Islands
  25. Central African Republic
  26. Chad
  27. Chechnya-Ichkeria
  28. Chile
  29. China
  30. Christmas Island
  31. Cocos Island
  32. Columbia
  33. Comoros
  34. Congo-Brazzaville
  35. Congo Kinshasa
  36. Cook Islands
  37. Costa Rica
  38. Croatia
  39. Cuba
  40. Cyprus
  41. Czech Republic
  42. Chechen Republic of Ichkeria
  43. Chechnya

Disc 3

  1. Denmark
  2. Chile
  3. China, People's Republic of
  4. Christmas Island
  5. Djibouti
  6. Cocos (Keeling) Islands
  7. Dominica
  8. Colombia
  9. Dominican Republic
  10. Comoros
  11. East Timor
  12. Congo, Democratic Republic of the
  13. Congo, Republic of the
  14. Ecuador
  15. Cook Islands
  16. Egypt
  17. Costa Rica
  18. El Salvador
  19. Croatia
  20. England
  21. Cuba
  22. Equatorial Guinea
  23. Curaçao
  24. Eritrea
  25. Cyprus
  26. Estonia
  27. Ethiopia
  28. Czech Republic
  29. European Union
  30. Faeroe Islands
  31. Falkland Islands
  32. Fiji
  33. Finland
  34. Flanders
  35. France
  36. French Guinea
  37. French Polynesia
  38. French Southern and Antarctic Lands
  39. Frisia
  40. Gabon
  41. Gambia
  42. Georgia
  43. Germany
  44. Ghana
  45. Gibraltar
  46. Great Britain
  47. Greece
  48. Greenland
  49. Grenada

Disc 4

  1. Eritrea
  2. Guadeloupe
  3. Guam
  4. Estonia
  5. Guatemala
  6. Ethiopia
  7. Guernsey
  8. European Union
  9. Falkland Islands
  10. Guinea
  11. Faroe Islands
  12. Guinea Bissau
  13. Fiji
  14. Guyana
  15. Finland
  16. Haiti
  17. Flanders
  18. Honduras
  19. France
  20. French Guiana
  21. Hong Kong
  22. Hungary
  23. French Polynesia
  24. Iceland
  25. French Southern and Antarctic Lands
  26. Frisia
  27. Gabon
  28. India
  29. Indonesia
  30. Gambia
  31. Georgia
  32. Iran
  33. Iraq
  34. Germany
  35. Ireland
  36. Isle of Man
  37. Ghana
  38. Gibraltar
  39. Israel
  40. Great Britain
  41. Italy
  42. Ivory Coast
  43. Jamaica
  44. Greece
  45. Greenland
  46. Japan
  47. Jersey
  48. Grenada
  49. Jordan
  50. Kazakhstan
  51. Kenya
  52. Kiribati
  53. Korea, North
  54. Korea, South
  55. Kuwait
  56. Kyrgyzstan

Disc 5

  1. Laos
  2. Hutt River
  3. Lapland
  4. Iceland
  5. Latvia
  6. India
  7. Lebanon
  8. Lesotho
  9. Indonesia
  10. Liberia
  11. Libya
  12. Iran
  13. Liechtenstein
  14. Iraq
  15. Lithuania
  16. Luxembourg
  17. Ireland
  18. Isle of Man
  19. Macau
  20. Israel
  21. Italy
  22. Macedonia
  23. Madagascar
  24. Ivory Coast
  25. Madeira
  26. Jamaica
  27. Malawi
  28. Malaysia
  29. Japan
  30. Jersey
  31. Maldives
  32. Mali
  33. Jordan
  34. Mallorca
  35. Kazakhstan
  36. Malta
  37. Marshall Islands
  38. Kenya
  39. Martinique
  40. Kitibati
  41. Mauritania
  42. Korea, Democratic People's Republic of
  43. Mauritius
  44. Mayotte
  45. Mexico
  46. Korea, Republic of
  47. Micronesia
  48. Kosovo
  49. Kurdistan
  50. Military Order of Malta
  51. Moldova
  52. Kuwait
  53. Monaco
  54. Mongolia
  55. Kyrgyzstan
  56. Montenegro
  57. Montserrat
  58. Morocco
  59. Mozambique
  60. Myanmar

Disc 6

  1. Liechtenstein
  2. Nagorno-Karabakh
  3. Lithuania
  4. Namibia
  5. Nauru
  6. Nepal
  7. Luxembourg
  8. Netherlands
  9. Netherlands Antilles
  10. Macau
  11. Macedonia
  12. Magadascar
  13. New Caledonia
  14. Madeira
  15. New Zealand
  16. Malawi
  17. Newfoundland and Labrador
  18. Nicaragua
  19. Malaysia
  20. Niger
  21. Maldives
  22. Mali
  23. Nigeria
  24. Mallorca
  25. Malta
  26. Niue
  27. Norfolk Island
  28. North Cyprus
  29. Marshall Islands
  30. Northern Ireland
  31. Northern Marianas
  32. Martinique
  33. Norway
  34. Mauritania
  35. Olympic Movement
  36. Mauritius
  37. Mayotte
  38. Oman
  39. Mexico
  40. Pakistan
  41. Micronesia
  42. Palau
  43. Palestine
  44. Moldova
  45. Panama
  46. Monaco
  47. Mongolia
  48. Papua New Guinea
  49. Montenegro
  50. Paraguay
  51. Peru
  52. Montserrat
  53. Morocco
  54. Philippines
  55. Pitcairn Islands
  56. Mozambique
  57. Poland
  58. Portugal
  59. Puerto Rico
  60. Myanmar

Disc 7

  1. Qatar
  2. Nagorno-Karabakh
  3. Namibia
  4. Quebec
  5. Nauru
  6. Reunion
  7. Nepal
  8. Romania
  9. Netherlands
  10. Russia
  11. Netherlands Antilles
  12. Rwanda
  13. New Caledonia
  14. Sahara
  15. New Zealand
  16. Saint Helena and Dependencies
  17. Saint Kitts and Nevis
  18. Newfoundland and Labrador
  19. Saint Lucia
  20. Nicaragua
  21. Saint-Pierre and Miquelon
  22. Niger
  23. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  24. Samoa
  25. Nigeria
  26. San Marino
  27. Niue
  28. Norfolk Island
  29. Sao Tome and Principe
  30. North Cyprus
  31. Saudi Arabia
  32. Northern Ireland
  33. Scotland
  34. Sealand
  35. Northern Marianas
  36. Norway
  37. Senegal
  38. Serbia
  39. Olympic Movement
  40. Serbia and Montenegro
  41. Oman
  42. Seychelles
  43. Sierra Leone
  44. Pakistan
  45. Singapore
  46. Palau
  47. Slovakia
  48. Slovenia
  49. Solomon Islands
  50. Palestine
  51. Panama
  52. Somalia
  53. South Africa
  54. Papua New Guinea
  55. South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
  56. Spain
  57. Paraguay
  58. Sri Lanka
  59. Paralympic Movement
  60. Sudan
  61. Suriname
  62. Swaziland
  63. Sweden
  64. Switzerland
  65. Syria

Disc 8

  1. Peru
  2. Taiwan
  3. Tajikistan
  4. Philippines
  5. Tanzania
  6. Pitcairn Islands
  7. Thailand
  8. Poland
  9. Portugal
  10. Tibet
  11. Puerto Rico
  12. Togo
  13. Qatar
  14. Tokelau
  15. Tonga
  16. Trinidad and Tobago
  17. Quebec
  18. Tunisia
  19. Reunion
  20. Turkey
  21. Turkmenistan
  22. Turks and Caicos Islands
  23. Romania
  24. Tuvalu
  25. Russia
  26. Uganda
  27. Ukraine
  28. Rwanda
  29. United Arab Emirates
  30. United Nations
  31. United States of America
  32. Sahara
  33. Saint Barthélemy
  34. Uruguay
  35. Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
  36. Uzbekistan
  37. Saint Kitts and Nevis
  38. Saint Lucia
  39. Vanuatu
  40. Saint Martin
  41. Saint-Pierre and Miquelon
  42. Vatican City
  43. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  44. Samoa
  45. Venezuela
  46. Vietnam
  47. San Marino
  48. Sao Tome and Principe
  49. Wales
  50. Saudi Arabia
  51. Wallis and Futuna
  52. Saugeais
  53. Wallonia
  54. Yemen
  55. Scotland
  56. Sealand
  57. Zambia
  58. Zanzibar
  59. Seborga
  60. Zimbabwe
  61. Senegal

Disc 9

  1. Serbia
  2. Serbia and Montenegro
  3. Seychelles
  4. Sierra Leone
  5. Singapore
  6. Sint Eustatius
  7. Slovakia
  8. Slovenia
  9. Solomon Islands
  10. Somalia
  11. South Africa
  12. South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
  13. South Ossetia
  14. South Sudan
  15. Sovereign Military Order of Malta
  16. Spain
  17. Sri Lanka
  18. Sudan
  19. Suriname
  20. Svalbard and Jan Mayen
  21. Swaziland
  22. Sweden
  23. Switzerland
  24. Syria
  25. Taiwan
  26. Tajikistan
  27. Tanzania
  28. Tatarstan
  29. Thailand
  30. Tibet
  31. Togo
  32. Tokelau
  33. Tonga
  34. Transnistria

Disc 10

  1. Trinidad and Tobago
  2. Tunisia
  3. Turkey
  4. Turkmenistan
  5. Turks and Caicos Islands
  6. Tuvalu
  7. Uganda
  8. Ukraine
  9. United Arab Emirates
  10. United Nations
  11. United States of America
  12. Uruguay
  13. Uzbekistan
  14. Vanuatu
  15. Vatican City
  16. Venezuela
  17. Vietnam
  18. Wales
  19. Wallis and Futuna
  20. Wallonia
  21. Yemen
  22. Yugoslavia
  23. Zambia
  24. Zanzibar
  25. Zimbabwe

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