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That Day Is Done lyrics

I feel such sorrow, I feel such shame
I know, I wont arrive on time
Before whatever out there is gone
What can I do? That day is done

Its just a promise, that I made
I said Id walk in her parade
Hot scalding tears, I thought would flow
Still in my heart, theyll never show

That day is done, that day is done
You know where Ive gone, I wont be coming back
That day is done

Well, I recall, the time and place
When they announced her precious face
I thought at once my heart would burst
Still, every time is like the first

There was applause when she stepped up
I wished that I could interrupt
I made no sign, I made no sound
I know, I must stay underground

That day is done, that day is done
You know where Ive gone, I wont be coming back
That day is done

Thats why she walks or so they say
She always knew just what I needed
Now if she would, just look my way
One time before they proceed

She sprinkles flowers in the dirt
Thats when a thrill becomes a hurt
I know Ill never see her face
She walks away from my resting place

That day is done, that day is done
You know where Ive gone, I wont be coming back
That day is done
But you know where Ive gone, I wont be coming back
That day is done

Thanks to Cordie for submitting the lyrics.
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