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Eyes Never Dry lyrics


Ain't gonna be the one who's lost

One who's gone

One who's wrong, no

Don't wanna be the falling one

Crawling one

Drowning one, no

What a beautiful day today

And I can't get a lil' smile from ya

Should've known about everything

I guess, I wasn't made up for what u wanted to

Still the meaning ain't clear

Somebody keeps crying in the morning

And it never dries

I gotta find a way out of the moaning

And I hope I'll get it done in due time

Sure, life is hard

Sure, time is now

Just keep on believing

And u gon' be winnin' 'em all

In due time...



The Lord gon'

Be there


It's all gon' be alright

You ain't got's to cry

Day in & day out

Eyes never dry

It's all gon' be alright

You ain't got's to cry

Day in & day out

Eyes are never dry

In the name of the most beneficent the most high

He who holds my soul before and after I die

See I'm lost in confusion so please help me lord

I wanna act right but can't play my cards right

Don't let me go astray show me the right path

So I can be amongst the righteous and not those who catch your wrath

Any fool can make a baby only a man can raise one

June 17th you granted me a son

I know the first look is forgiven but the second isn't

But I'm already at my 5th lord now I wish I'd listened

To the truth I know a part of it still in denial

If I knew what your loved one knew I would barely smile


Perdon senor

Por todos mis pecados

Aqui estoy llorando

Ante mi cama arrodillado

Senor mio yo he pecado

Senor mio yo he herido

A un ser muy querido

A un ser al que yo amo

Y que siempre he respetado

Yo rezo a que la cuides

Que las penas tu le quites

Alumbrale sus pasos

Y los frios de sus anos

Suplico la bendigas

Dale paz a cada uno de sus dias

Besale el camino

Hacerla feliz yo no ha podido

Es lo unico que te pido

Te lo ruego

En el nombre del Padre

Del Hijo y el Espiritu Santo



Forgive me my Lord

For all my sins

Here I am crying

Kneeled before my bed

My Lord I've sinned

My Lord I've hurted

A dear one

Someone I love

And always have respected

I pray you to take care of her

And that her sorrow you'll take away

Illuminate her steps

And the cold of her years

I supplicate you to bless her

Give peace to every single one of her days

Kiss her way

Coz I couldn't make her happy

This is the only thing I pray to you for

I beg you

In the name of the Father

The Son and the Holy Spirit





The Lord gon'

Be there


Dry ya tears sis I can't stand seeing ya cry

U got so much heart for a lil' girl

U worry like mom

6 years old and she already reads the fam like a book

How come u're so sad kid, don't u worry 'bout it too

So she rather sit next to me so I can explain how it is

How it ain't true her brother is jobless because of his Diin

And it's b.s. when her sista claims her name was the reason for beef

And the fam is full of it when they tell her we gon' leave

Yeah I'm lying to her, but only to see that smile on her face

I'm her role model, whut??? I gots to give the kid faith!!!

I'm prayin that one day she'd be on top of the world

As this pearl puts her veil on

And runs out to her girls...



Eyes Never Dry Video

https://youtube.com/devicesupport: (video from YouTube)

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