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Younger Than Springtime / Bali Ha'i lyrics
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Part of these releases
- Track 11 on South Pacific (1958 film cast)
- 10 I'm in Love With a Wonderful Guy
- 12 Happy Talk
Popular Oscar Hammerstein II Songs
- Richard Rodgers Interview
- Charmian Carr Interview
- Robert Wise Interview
- Mango Madness / Kralahome's Sinister Trap
- King's Fate / Prince's Future / Kralahome's Demise / Anna's Surprise
- Banquet / King's Threat / Balloon Rescue
- Two Servants / Anna's Demands
- Anna Will Stay
- Everything Scientific / Children Outside Palace
- What to Say to Growing Son / Evil Duo
- see all by Oscar Hammerstein II
Younger Than Springtime / Bali Ha'i Video
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