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All Men Are Liars lyrics

All Men, All Men are liars their words aint worth no more than worn out tires.
Hey Girls, bring rusty pliers to pull this tooth, all men are liars and that's the truth.
Do you remember Rick Astley?
He had a big fat hit that was ghastly.
He said Im never gonna give you up or let you down.
Well Im here to tell ya that Dicks a clown
Though he was just a boy when he made that vow.
Id bet it all that he knows by now.

The most slimy and slippery now.
There stands the naked ape in a monkey suite.
Behind a little mustache he grew, the shifty brute.
All the ones not choking on the words they ate are
Sweating on getting their stories straight.
Chorus x 2

All Men, All Men are liars their words aint worth no more than worn out tires.
Hey Girls, bring rusty pliers to pull this tooth, all men are liars and that's the truth.
Do you remember Rick Astley?

All Men Are Liars Video (video from YouTube)

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