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The Beautiful Spy (German language: Die Schöne Spionin) is a 2013 historical-thriller television film set in Nazi Germany shortly before the outbreak of World War II inspired by the few facts known about Vera von Schalburg.
Source: Wikipedia
Popular Songs
- The Corn Is Green
- Until September
- Séance on a Wet Afternoon: Main Title / The Kidnap / The Ransom / End Title
- The Betsy: Main Title / Love Theme
- Alice's Adventures in Wonderland: Curiouser and Curouser / You've Gotta Know When to Stop / The Me I Never Knew
- Walkabout: Back to Nature
- Moviola
- They Might Be Giants: Main Title / The Game's Afoot
- The Chase
- Walkabout: The Three of Us
- Walkabout: Stranded
- Walkabout: Together at Sunrise
- Walkabout: Survival Test / The Journey
- Walkabout: The Children
- Walkabout: The Deserted Settlement / The Final Dance
- Walkabout: Night in the Outback
- Walkabout: Walkabout
- Falling Behind / Sneaking Off /The Kiss
- Ubi Burns
- Farewells
- "Mister Moses" Concert Suite
- Muscle Tonic / Hidden Diamonds
- Night Visitor
- The Elephant
- Morning / The Patrol
- Crossing the Dam / 80 Miles of Desert
- Bell Ringing / After the Show
- We’re Off / The Dam
- Moses Evicted / Moses Saved
- "Mister Moses" Opening Titles