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Hymne à la Justice, Op. 14 lyrics
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Part of these releases
Popular Michel Plasson Songs
- Symphony No. 2 in E major, Op. 6: IV. Finale. Vif et gai
- Ouverture, Op. 10
- Hymne à la Justice, Op. 14
- Symphony No. 2 in E major, Op. 6: III. Chant varié. Andante con moto
- Symphony No. 2 in E major, Op. 6: I. Ouverture. Assez animé
- Symphony No. 2 in E major, Op. 6: II. Danses. Vif
- La Belle Hélène: Act III. No. 17 Entr'acte / No. 18a Chorus and song of Orestes "Dansons, buvons" / No. 18b Rondo "Vénus au fond de notre 'me"
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- La Belle Hélène: Act III. No. 18c Backgroud music "Oh mais alors, ce n'était pas un rêve"
- La Belle Hélène: Act III. Text "C'est pour garder..."
- see all by Michel Plasson
Hymne à la Justice, Op. 14 Video
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