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Acryllian Waltz lyrics
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Part of these releases
- Track 7 on 'Project 7: Area 51'
- 6 Sex On Venus
- 8 Impressions Of Earth
Popular Michael Lee Thomas Songs
- Interlude Four: Celestial Solitude
- Finale: The Final Encounter - Voyage Main Theme Reprise - To the Stellar Eternal
- Uranus Encounter - Movement Three: Father of Miranda
- Interlude Three: Seperate Onto the Stars
- Neptune Encounter - Movement Four: The Conquest of Beginning
- Saturn Encounter - Movement Two: Worlds Among the Rings
- Prelude: The Voyagers
- Interlude One: From Earth and Man
- The 10th Planet
- Interlude Two: Voyage Main Theme - Pictures From Forever
- see all by Michael Lee Thomas
Acryllian Waltz Video
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