Michael Kamen
Lethal Weapon Soundtrack Collection Lyrics
Disc 1
- Jingle Bell Rock
- Amanda
- Meeting Martin Riggs / Roger's Daughter
- She Just Dove
- Coke Deal
- Suicide
- Meet Your New Partner
- Burning Joshua
- The Jumper
- Rog and Riggs Confront
- Drive to Dealer's House
- Dealer's House / Swimming Pool
- Took a Lot of Guts / Riggs' Soliloquy
- Porno Tape
- Firing Range
- Dixie's House / Alfred
- The Hunsacker Story
- Helicopter / Riggs Walks to Tart
- Riggs Gets Shot
- They've Got My Daughter / Is Riggs Dead ? Or What ?
- The Desert
- Hummingbird Treatment / Riggs Escapes
- We're Leaving
- General's Car
- S.O.B. Knows Where I Live
- Yard Fight / Graveside
Disc 2
- Lethal Weapon
- Amanda
- Meet Martin Riggs
- Roger
- Coke Deal
- Mr. Joshua
- They've Got My Daughter
- The Desert
- Nightclub
- The Weapon
- Suicide
- Helicopter
- S.O.B. Knows Where I Live
Disc 3
- Main Title / Chase the Red BMW / Krugerrand
- Riggs' Shoulder
- Pieter Shoots Hans / The Gold Pen / Rog Is Taped / Hotel—Meeting Leo / Pool Fall
- You're Black, I'm Mad / Drive to Stilt House / Stilt House Fight
- Mulholland Chase
- Meeting Rudd / Bust
- Rubber Tree / Goodnight Mr. Rudd
- Haunting Rudd
- Finding Roger on the Toilet / Bomb Reveal / Bomb Squad Arrives
- Riggs & Murtaugh in Toilet / After the Toilet Bomb
- Sneaking Into the Embassy / So Long and Thanks for the Fish / Leo Loses Door
- Wyler is Shot
- Card House Explosion / Rika Lerve / The Alba Varden / Nail Gun Fight
- Helicopters Approach / Helicopter Attack
- You Can Stay With Me / Riggs Captured / Riggs Fights Back
- Carrying Rika on the Beach
Disc 4
- Stilt House Falls
- Drive to Shipyard
- Locked Into a Container / Out of Container / Ship Fight
- Ballet Fight / Riggs is Shot
- Knockin' on Heaven's Door / Riggs Dying
- Cheer Down
- Still Cruisin'
- Knockin' on Heaven's Door
- Riggs
- The Embassy
- Riggs and Roger
- Leo
- Goodnight Rika
- The Stilt House
- The Shipyard
Disc 5
- Trust Me
- Afterglow
- Jaywalker
- Armoured Car Chase
- Leo Getz
- Concrete Death
- Rianne's Big Break
- Locker Room
- Firing Range
- Jack Kills Billy
- Hockey Game
- Dum-Dum Wound
- Shooting Darryl, Part 1
- Shooting Darryl, Part 2 / Step Into My Office
- Man's Best Friend / Lorna's First Fight
- Scars / Love Scene
- Roger's Boat
- Shaving
- Gun Montage / Lorna's Second Fight
- Captain Abducted / Captain and Travis
- Unauthorized Access
- Gun Battle
- Riggs Falls
- Drive to Housing Development / On Three
- Fire / Fire Battle / A Quiet Evening by the Fire
Disc 6
- It's Probably Me
- Runaway Train
- Grab the Cat
- Leo Getz Goes to the Hockey Game
- Darryl Dies
- Riggs and Rog
- Roger's Boat
- Armour Piercing Bullets
- God Judges Us By Our Scars
- Lorna - A Quiet Evening by the Fire
- Leo Getz
- Armoured Car Chase
- Gun Battle
- I Can't Retire
Disc 7
- Don't Turn / Cute Shorts
- Leo's Shark / Boys on Boat
- Freighter
- The Payoff
- Slaves
- Butters' Intro
- Lifeboat
- Marriage Talk
- Chinese Food
- Freeing Slaves
- Birdman News / Butters Likes Me
- Drive to Uncle Benny's / Leo Gets Arrested
- Uncle Benny's Restaurant
- Chinatown Chase
- Riggs Falls
- Tequila
- Chinese Prison
- Locker Room
- Cell Phone
- House Fight
- Ku Attacks