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I Think I Can Play This Part lyrics
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Part of these releases
- Track 14 on The Goodbye Girl
- 13 Paula
- 15 Jump for Joy
Popular Marvin Hamlisch Songs
- Pineapple Rag
- Pineapple Rag / Gladiolus Rag
- Somewhere I Belong
- Isn’t It Romantic
- Hooker and Turtle to the Rescue
- D.A.R.Y.L. Hits the Water / D.A.R.Y.L. Runs Home
- Six Variations on the Duet “Nel cor più non mi sento” from the opera La Molinara by Paisiello: Variations 1 & 3
- The Big Plane Moves / The Joyride*
- You Are a Person / Two Soldiers
- The Army’s Coming / The Destruction of D.A.R.Y.L. / The Escape
- see all by Marvin Hamlisch
I Think I Can Play This Part Video
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