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Werther! Qui m'aurait dit - D lyrics
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Part of these releases
- Track 9 on Die Stimme des Jahrhunderts Disc 2
- 8 Pleurez, mes yeux
- 10 Je ne suis que faiblesse - Adie
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- Norma: Atto II, Scena III. "Norma! ... deh! Norma, scòlpati!"
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- Norma: Atto II, Scena III. "Guerra! guerra!"
- Norma: Atto II, Scena III. "Né compi il rito, o Norma?"
- Norma: Atto II, Scena III. "In mia man alfin tu sei"
- Norma: Atto II, Scena III. "Ah, crudele! In sen del padre"
- Norma: Atto II, Scena I. "Si, fino all'ore estreme"
- see all by Maria Callas
Werther! Qui m'aurait dit - D Video
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