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In My Remains lyrics
Sifting through the wreckage
I can't concentrate
Searching for a message
In the fear and pain
Broken down and waiting
For the chance to feel alive
Now in my remains
Are promises that never came
***Set the silence free***
To wash away the worst of me
Come apart
Falling in the cracks
Of every broken heart
Digging through the wreckage
Of your disregard
Sinking down and waiting
For the chance, to feel alive
Now in my remains
Are promises that never came
***Set the silence free***
To wash away the worst of me
Like an army, falling
One by one by one
Like an army, falling
One by one by one
Like an army, falling
One by one by one
Like an army, falling
One by one by one
Now in my remains
Are promises that never came
Set the silence free
To wash away the worst of me
Like an army, falling
One by one by one
Like an army, falling
One by one by one
Part of these releases
- Track 2 on Living Things
- 1 Lost In the Echo
- 3 Burn It Down
In My Remains Video
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