Latin Brothers Lyrics Follow
The Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation (ALKQN, ALKN, LKN) is the oldest and largest Hispanic and Latino street gang worldwide. Its roots date to 1954 in Chicago, Illinois.
Source: Wikipedia
Popular Songs
- Las Calaveras - Latin Brothers, Botero, Elvis
- A Peasar - Latin Brothers, Velasquez, Alvaro
- Sobre Las Olas - Latin Brothers, Chaverra, Ramon
- Fuma el Barco - Latin Brothers, Villanueva, Isaac
- Las Caleñas Son Como las Flores - Latin Brothers, Ospina, J. Arturo
- Buscandote - Latin Brothers, Castilla, Enrique B
- Valluna - Latin Brothers, Palacios, Senen
- La Guarapera - Latin Brothers, Arroyo, Alvaro Jose
- Papi Papa - Latin Brothers, Chaverra, Ramon A.
- Contigo - Latin Brothers, DelToro, Leon
- La Guayaba - Latin Brothers, Villanueva, Isaac
- Patrona de los Reclusos - Latin Brothers, Castilla, Enrique B
- Dime Ue Paso - Latin Brothers, Garcia, Manuel Vict
- Las Cabañuelas - Latin Brothers, C., Palacios Senen
- Pegaso - Latin Brothers, Duarte, Efrain
- El Carretero - Latin Brothers, Portabales, Guiller