King's College Choir & Stephen Cleobury Follow
Ninth Lesson lyrics
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Part of these releases
- Track 7 on A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols Disc 2
- 6 Illuminare Jerusalem
- 8 Adeste, fideles
Popular King's College Choir & Stephen Cleobury Songs
- Schubert: Gott ist mein Hirt
- Ireland: Ex ore innocentium
- Verdi: Quattro pezzi sacri - Laudi alla vergine Maria
- Faure: Ave Maria Op.67, No.2
- Karg-Elert: Dritte Sinfonische Kanzone Op.85, No.3
- Greene: The Lord is my shepherd
- Faure: Messe Basse
- Franck: Choeur de Paques - Alleluia!
- Mendelssohn: Elijah - Lift thine eyes
- Hadley: I sing of a maiden
- see all by King's College Choir & Stephen Cleobury
Ninth Lesson Video
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