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King Cotton lyrics
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Part of these releases
- Track 3 on Favorite American Marches
- 2 High School Cadets
- 4 Semper Fidelis
- Track 1 on The Stars and Stripes Forever
- 2 The Gladiator
- Track 15 on Hands Across the Sea (The Band of the Grenadier Guards)
- 14 The Review
- 16 Power and Glory
- Track 4 on Sousa's Greatest Hits
- 3 Semper Fidelis
- 5 Sound Off
- Track 1 on Great American Marches I, Volume 11
- 2 Hands Across the Sea
Popular John Philip Sousa Songs
- Prelude to the Comic Opera ‘El Capitan’
- Waltz From the Comic Opera ‘Desiree’
- Lincolnshire Posy: The Lost Lady Found
- Shepher's Hey
- Lincolnshire Posy: The Brisk Young Sailor
- Lincolnshire Posy: Horkstow Grange
- Folk Song Suite: Intermezzo: My Bonny Boy
- Lincolnshire Posy: Lisbon Bay
- Folk Song Suite: March: Folk Songs from Somerset
- Lincolnshire Posy: Lord Melbourne
- see all by John Philip Sousa
King Cotton Video
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