John Dowland
Honey From the Hive (Emma Kirkby & Anthony Rooley) Lyrics
Disc 1
- Can Shee Excuse
- O Sweet Woods
- It Was a Time
- I Saw My Lady Weepe
- Flow My Teares
- Sorrow, Stay!
- Dye Not Beefore Thy Day
- Mourne, Mourne, Day Is With Darknesse
- Fine Knacks for Ladies
- Farewell Too Faire
- Time Stands Still
- Behold A Wonder Here
- Daphne Was Not So Chaste
- Me, Me, And None But Me
- When Phoebus First Did Daphne Love
- Say Love if Ever Thou Didst Find
- His Golden Locks
- Time's Eldest Sonne
- Farre From Triumphing Court