John Debney
Meet Dave Lyrics
Disc 1
- Orb Arrives on Earth
- Dave Comes to Earth
- Gina Runs Into Dave
- Dave's System Check
- Addressing the Crew
- Drunken Man in Alley
- Whipping Eggs
- A Kiss in the Park
- Welcome to Old Navy
- Deli Robbers
- Gina's Painting
- Urban Camping With Dave
- Dave to the Rescue
- Standoff
- I'm in Charge Now
- Evil Dave Blasts Police Station
- Reinforcements Arrive
- Never Argue With a Female
- Betrayal / Mini Dave and No. 3
- Saved by the Bus / Dave's True Feelings
- Hailing a Cab
- The Battle Begins
- I Am Dave Ming Chang
- Saving Earth
- Power Shutdown
- Mini Dave Apologizes
- Blast Off and Return