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The Immigrant lyrics
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Part of these releases
- Track 1 on Song of the Irish Whistle
- 2 Down by the Salley Gardens
Popular Joanie Madden Songs
- The Cat in the Corner / Ned Coleman's Mother / The Ten Penny Bit
- Eileen Curran / The Old Thatched House
- Pussy Got the Measles / Over the Bog Road / The Greenfields of America
- The New Broom / The Ballinakill
- Sliabh geal gCua
- Dinny O'Brien's / Seán Sa Ché
- Paddy Murphy's Wife / The Caucus in Secaucus
- Hughie Travers / The Spike Island Lassies
- Kevin Keegan's Waltz / The Cappataggle / Her Mantle So Green
- Sault's Own Hornpipe / Wade Hampton
- see all by Joanie Madden
The Immigrant Video
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