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Grizzly Bear lyrics

Oh that grizzely, grizzely grizzely bear
Oh that grizzely, grizzely grizzely bear
I said that grizzely, grizzely grizzely bear
Oh that grizzely, grizzely grizzely bear
I'm gonna tell you a story 'bout that grizzely bear
I'm gonna tell you a story 'bout that grizzely bear
Oh you better watch out for that grizzely bear
'Cause he's a mean old grizzely, grizzely bear
Oh that grizzely, grizzely grizzely bear
I said that grizzely, grizzely grizzely bear
He come a walkin' and a talkin' that grizzely bear
He come a huffin' and a puffin' that grizzely bear
He come a wobblin' and a swabblin' that grizzely bear
He's a mean old grizzely, grizzely bear
Oh that grizzely, grizzely grizzely bear
I said that grizzely, grizzely grizzely bear
He had long black hair that grizzely bear
He had big blue eyes that grizzely bear
Oh well a tell me who was that grizzely bear
I say the capt'n was the grizzely, grizzely bear
Oh that grizzely, grizzely grizzely bear
I shot me a grizzely, grizzely grizzely bear
Oh well that grizzely, grizzely grizzely bear
I said the capt'n ain't nothin' but a grizzely bear
Oh well my momma was a scared o' that grizzely bear
Oh yes my momma was a scared o' that grizzely bear
Oh well my poppa went a-huntin' for that grizzely bear
Yes my poppa went a-huntin' for that grizzely bear
Oh that grizzely, grizzely grizzely bear
I said that grizzely, grizzely grizzely bear
Oh well that grizzely, grizzely grizzely bear
I say that grizzely, grizzely grizzely bear
Oh well I ain't a-scared o' that grizzely bear
I tell you I ain't a-scared o' that grizzely bear
Ah now listen while I tell you 'bout that grizzely bear
I said listen while I tell you 'bout that grizzely bear
Oh that grizzely, grizzely grizzely bear
I said I'm gonna kill that grizzely bear
Oh well that grizzely, grizzely grizzely bear
I say I'm gonna kill that grizzely bear
Oh that grizzely, grizzely grizzely bear
I say that griz griz grizzely grizzely bear
Oh that grizzely, grizzely grizzely bear
I say that grizzely, grizzely grizzely bear
I'm gonna kill-a that grizzely bear
Oh well a I'm gonna cut that grizzely bear
Oh well-a I'm gonna stomp that grizzely bear
I'm gonna put him in a box that grizzely bear
Yes that grizzely grizzely grizzely bear
He's a mean old grizzely grizzely bear
I'm gonna bite that grizzely grizzely bear
I said a I'm a-gonna kill that grizzely bear
Oh that grizzely grizzely grizzely bear

Grizzly Bear Video

https://youtube.com/devicesupport: (video from YouTube)

Thanks to Willy for submitting the lyrics.
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