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Bubbles - Red Buttons, Robert Goulet, lyrics

Bubbles, bubbles
Oodles of bottles with bubbles
Glasses refillable
That shlop up each syllable
With bubbles

Billions and billions of bubbles
When life is bubbable
The whole world is loveable

Endurable and beauriful
With bubbles

Bubbles, bubbles
Boodles of bottles with bubbles
When you are mizzable
Just drink something fizzable
With bubbles

Bubbles, bubbles
Billions and billions of bubbles
Hearts are redooshable
And social and beaushiful with

Bubbles, bubbles
Boodles of bottles with bubbles
Bubbles that Paris sells
That swing you on carousels
With bubbles

Billions and billions of bubbles
Wishes are wishable
The whole world is kisshable

Endurable and beauriful
With bubbles

Thanks to Marissa Grubbs for submitting the lyrics.
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