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It's Not Your Typical Love Song lyrics
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Part of these releases
- Track 10 on iTunes Originals
- 9 Oye mi canto
- 11 Cuts Both Ways
Popular Gloria Estefan Songs
- We've had a lot of scripts that have been sent....I really enjoy that.
- Our next musical project...and the new stuff.
- I think it is definitely possible....either way it was a great thing to do.
- Well this baby...that much more.
- Well, Jerry Weintraub, a producer for this movie...put together a world class project.
- The other video we already shot...very simple that way.
- With "Mi Tierra"... that they were on the original.
- This album we felt was important...programming and performing the music.
- I actually have been expecting a was a wonderful and a unique experience.
- It was a very unique was a thrill to do.
- see all by Gloria Estefan
It's Not Your Typical Love Song Video
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