Giuseppe Mario Sammarco Follow
The Minstrel Boy lyrics
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Part of these releases
Popular Giuseppe Mario Sammarco Songs
- Has Sorrow ThyYoung Days Shaded?
- An Evening Song
- Rigoletto: Bella Figlia Dell'amore - John McCormack/Nellie Melba/Edna Thornton/Mario Sammarco
- Les Pecheurs De Perles: Del Tempio Al Limitar - John McCormack/Mario Sammarco
- Kathleen Mavourneen
- The Snowy Breasted Pearl
- Dear Little Shamrock
- Mira La Bianca Luna - John McCormack/Emmy Destinn
- La Gioconda: Badoer Questa Notte...O Grido Di Quest'anima - John McCormack/Mario Sammarco
- I Hear You Calling Me
- see all by Giuseppe Mario Sammarco
The Minstrel Boy Video
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