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The following New York Police Department (NYPD) officers have all been killed in the line of duty. A total of 903 officers are officially recognized as having died in the line of duty by the New York Police Department.
The term "line of duty" means any action which an officer is obligated or authorized to carry out, or for which the officer is compensated by the public agency he or she serves. The term "killed in the line of duty" means a law enforcement officer has died as a direct and proximate result of a personal injury sustained in the line of duty. This includes law enforcement officers who, while in an off-duty capacity, act in response to a law violation, or are driving to or from work.
In the United States capital city Washington D.C., the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial, which was established in 1970, honors law enforcement officials from across the nation who have died in the line of duty..
When an NYPD officer dies, the funeral is often one of pomp and pageantry, usually being observed by a great number of mourners and onlookers, including Mayor of New York City Bill de Blasio and Chief of Police Terence Monahan.

Source: Wikipedia


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