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Solstice Lament lyrics
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Part of these releases
- Track 11 on Following the Moon
- 10 The Dark Island / Come by the Hills / My Home
- 12 English Dance
Popular Ensemble Galilei Songs
- Danse Arabe from The Nutcracker
- Puer Natus est in Bethlehem / In Dulci Jubilo / I Saw Three Ships
- Bottom of the Punch Bowl / The Man Who Died and Rose Again / Ward's Jig / Apples in Winter
- Of Darkness and Light
- Bells and Bows / New Year's Dawn
- Miss Patterson / McDonald's March / McKinnon's Brook
- The Galician Waltz / Breton Dances
- Shooyl Inneenyn / Illiam Y Thalhear / Flitter Dance
- Gosteg Dafydd Athro / Caniad Marwnad Ifan Ab Y Go
- Planxty Drew / Mabel Kelly / John O'Connor
- see all by Ensemble Galilei
Solstice Lament Video
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