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Ordinary World - Duran Duran, Taylor, John lyrics
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Part of these releases
- Track 4 on Greatest
- 3 A View to a Kill
- 5 Save a Prayer
Popular Duran Duran Songs
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- Ghost 1
- Ghost 2
- Prototypes: I. Ring Back (Not Engaged) II. Stromo Vs. Retibol III.Virus IV. A Higher Voice V. Gm Virus VI. Piece of Mind VII.Archibaldo ´ S Favourite Toy VIII. Ocean of Sound IX. Reprints X. Wiretap XI. Thick Skin XII. Missing Link XIII. A Walk in th
- Alguien que no soy yo
- Kiss Goodbay
- see all by Duran Duran
Ordinary World - Duran Duran, Taylor, John Video
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