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It Don't Mean a Thing lyrics
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Part of these releases
- Track 6 on American Legends: Duke Ellington
- 5 Take the "A" Train
- 7 St. Louis Blues
- Track 16 on 1969 All-Star White House Tribute
- 15 All Too Soon
- 17 Things Ain't What They Used to Be
- Track 6 on Masterpieces 2
- 5 Rockin’ in Rhythm
- 7 Sophisticated Lady
- Track 12 on Prelude to a Kiss
- 11 Drawing Room Blues
- 13 Lover Man
- Track 10 on Ellington '55
- 9 Body and Soul
- Track 14 on The Treasury Shows, Volume 2
- 13 Frantic Fantasy
- Track 17 on Blue Note Legends
- 16 Serious Serenade
- Track 7 on Piano in the Background
- 6 Mid-Riff
- 8 Main Stem
- Track 20 on Big Bands: Duke Ellington
- 19 Rocks In My Bed
- 21 Time's a-Wastin'
- Track 6 on Blue Rose
- 5 I Let a Song Go Out of My Heart
- 7 Grievin'
Popular Duke Ellington & His Orchestra Songs
It Don't Mean a Thing Video
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