D'Oyly Carte Opera Chorus & Gillian Knight Follow
Act 2. One more, gondolieri lyrics
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Part of these releases
- Track 25 on Gilbert & Sullivan: The Gondoliers Disc 2
- 24 Act 2. Luiz! Casilda!
Popular D'Oyly Carte Opera Chorus & Gillian Knight Songs
- Act 2. The royal prince was by the king entrusted
- Act 1. From the sunny Spanish shore
- Act 1. And now to choose our brides!
- Act 2. In a contemplative fashion and a tranquil frame of mind
- Act 1. There was a time, a time for ever gone
- Act 2. Rising early in the morning
- Act 1. Come, let's away - our island crown awaits me
- Act 2. Dance a cachucha, fandango, bolero
- Act 2. There lived a king, as I've been told
- Act 1. Are you peeping?
- see all by D'Oyly Carte Opera Chorus & Gillian Knight
Act 2. One more, gondolieri Video
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