Damage Control Comedy Crew Lyrics Follow
Damage Control is a fictional construction company appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The company specializes in repairing the property damage caused by conflicts between superheroes and supervillains. Four Damage Control limited series have been published to date.
Source: Wikipedia
Popular Songs
- Wsuk Plane Buiding Promo
- File Sharing Rant
- Radio - Speed Dating
- Nudist Insurance
- Holy Crap
- Dog Shit Quit
- Radio - Middle Eastern Comic
- Homeless History #5
- Zapp Him Right
- Got No Friends
- Celebrity Crime Plates
- Radio - Terrorist Non-Action Network
- O.U.T. Home Gayness Test
- Homeless Aviation
- Dookie Ball Song
- Radio - Religious Show
- Great Garboni
- Radio - The Big Race
- Testiment Testimonial
- Radio - Rib-Fest
- Lady Glick Shaver
- Harry's Holes
- Homeless History #3
- Lawyer - I'll Fight for You
- Radio - Goodbye
- Homeless History #4
- Ask Your Doctor
- Radio - Turd Racing
- Sack Lickin'
- Homeless History Month #2