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Freeborn Man Of The Traveling People lyrics
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Part of these releases
Popular Cherish the Ladies Songs
- The Old Maids of Galway / The Sunny Banks / The Flooded Road to Glenties / Free & Easy
- The Green Fields of Canada
- Bogie's Bonnie Belle
- Woman of the House Medley: The Fairy Queen / The Gooseberry Bush / Paddy Kelly's / Woman of the House
- Fair and Tender Ladies
- Paddy O' Snap / Robin Kellegher / The Cove of Cork
- Carolan's / Favorite Jig / The Rakes of Cashel / Highland March in Oscar & Malvina
- Betsy Belle and Mary Gray
- Rayleen's Reel: Rayleen's Reel / The Pullet / Scotch Mary / Within a Mile of Dublin
- Sweet Thames Flow Softly
- see all by Cherish the Ladies
Freeborn Man Of The Traveling People Video
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