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Urnaigh a' Bhan-thigreach lyrics
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Part of these releases
- Track 9 on Crosswinds
- 8 David Glen's
- 10 My Laggan Love / Fox on the Town
- Track 4 on Heritage Songs
- 3 Fisherman's Dream
- 5 Ma Theid Mise Thuilleagh
- Track 4 on The Best Of Capercaillie
- 3 Fisherman's Dream
- 5 Ma Thèid Mise Tuilleagh
Popular Capercaillie Songs
- Fosgail an dows - Nighean Bhuidg' wadh - Open th Door - Russet-haired daughter
- Soraidh Bhuam zu Barraidh
- Alasdair Mhic cholla ghasda - Alasdair, son of Gallant Coll.
- Lament for John 'Garve' MacLeod of Raasay
- Nighean Dubh Nighean Donn
- Fainne an Dochais
- Cal's Jigs
- The Strathspey Set
- The Marches
- Ailein Duinn Nach Till Thu an Taobh-Seo
- see all by Capercaillie
Urnaigh a' Bhan-thigreach Video
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