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A Fact Can Be a Beautiful Thing lyrics
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Part of these releases
- Track 2 on Promises, Promises (1997 Encores! cast) Disc 2
- 1 Entr'acte /
- 3 [change of scene] /
- Track 10 on Promises, Promises
- 9 Turkey Lurkey Time
- 11 Grapes of Roth
- Track 12 on Promises, Promises Disc 2
- 11 Turkey Lurkey Time
- 13 Whoever You Are
Popular Burt Bacharach Songs
- Organ Medley
- Avanti / Have Chickens Will Travel / Dirt Road à lá Italiana
- Hales
- Anvil
- Caccia / Slow Motion Chase / Coo Coo Collision
- You Think of Everything
- False Fronts
- Happily Ever After
- Duplication / Spoiled Juvenile
- Fraulein Anna / What's New Pussycat? / Out of Gas / War Paint
- see all by Burt Bacharach
A Fact Can Be a Beautiful Thing Video
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