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The Boy's Present / Guerillas in the Village lyrics
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Part of these releases
- Track 7 on Last Flight Out
- 6 Talking to Annie
- 8 Getting Ready to Fly
Popular Bruce Broughton Songs
- Family Album: Homage to Alfred, Emil and Lionel Newman: II. Emil Teaches Sonja Henie How to Skate
- Family Album: Homage to Alfred, Emil and Lionel Newman: III. Carmen Miranda: "How Many Times Do I Have to Tell You I'm Not Mexican!"
- Family Album: Homage to Alfred, Emil and Lionel Newman: IV. Lionel Teaches Marilyn Monroe How to Sing
- Conversations: III. Chet and Miles
- Family Album: Homage to Alfred, Emil and Lionel Newman: V. Outdoors but Not the Red River Valley
- Conversations: IV. Strays, Duke... And Blind Tom
- Family Album: Homage to Alfred, Emil and Lionel Newman: I. The Follies: Young and Beautiful
- Trois Études: II. L'Étreinte
- Conversations: I. Phineas and Mumbett
- Surface Tension
- see all by Bruce Broughton
Comments on The Boy's Present / Guerillas in the Village
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