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Burnin' In The Third Degree - Tahnee Cain & Tryanglz lyrics

No control,
walk right in to close to feel the pain.
I'm lost in you.
now you strike the match and light the flame.
My hearts a blaze,
I feel the heat of your desire,
I just can't face the fire.

You've got me burnin'
You've got me burnin'
You've got me burnin' in the third degree

You've got me burnin'
You've got me burnin'
You've got me burnin' in the third degree

I see the flicker gleaming in your eyes.
It captures me.
I take it that you'll never let me go,
I'm your prisoner.
I feel the heat of your desire,
I just can't face the fire.

You've got me burnin'
You've got me burnin'
You've got me burnin' in the third degree

You've got me burnin'
You've got me burnin'
You've got me burnin' in the third degree

Can't stop my body's aching,
hear those words,there's no mistaking,
I'm the victim of your passion,
Now you're burning' too.

You've got me burnin'
You've got me burnin'
You've got me burnin' in the third degree

You've got me burnin' (Burnin' for you)
You've got me burnin' (Burnin' for you)
You've got me burnin' in the third degree

Thanks to Sarina for submitting the lyrics.
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Comments on Burnin' In The Third Degree - Tahnee Cain & Tryanglz

Top 239 comments

  • non-existent entatie 0 points

    TU TU RU!
    Never did figure out who "--"...

  • non-existent entatie 0 points

    wait evangel, i mean torren too just not you had to put up with V
    just not for the memories the name sparks

  • non-existent entatie 0 points

    coffee, left, 7
    ... that french(?)thing or what ever it was only remember it existing
    Too many memories
    sorry Torren
    sorry V
    OH and the only scene from a book that got tears....

  • Vinaria 0 points


    All hail Terminator.

    El Psy Congroo!

  • -- 0 points

    High school. A small world unto itself. Combining all the warmest elements of a federal work camp with those of a third world poultry farm. Its a miracle i graduated without killing anyone.

  • Non-Existent Entatie 0 points

    Lampoon? you mean the word that means to use a ridiculous word to make fun of someone?
    well done you demonstrated the words use without knowing it :P

  • Vinaria 0 points


  • Non-Existent Entatie 0 points

    NO! someone stop Vinaria before she makes that!! this universe doesn't need more deadliness!

  • Vinaria 0 points

    LAMPOON! LAMP HARPOON! DEADLY!! Lampoon brights light to your harpoon fishing session!!

  • Non-Existent Entatie 0 points

    and no one questions the fact that candy just types out this whole sophisticated answer when he normally barely says 2 words...... (these people)
    fan service doesnt count as bringing the light either..... just saying
    ONYX?! what the hell. all of this 4th wall breaking and you only just show up?!

    in anycase i do support the jet skies idea :D

  • Evangel 0 points

    No. No.

  • Vinaria 0 points

    Funny, right? Yeah?

  • Vinaria 0 points

    ...Like Bam? And the Dirt?

  • Vinaria 0 points

    Boom! ANd your mind is gone!

  • Onyx 0 points

    If anyone is supposed to break the fourth wall, it's me, thankyou. Leave it to the proffesional.
    ON THAT NOTE! Your story is dark because you were an expression of a difficult time. YOU WERE A COPING DEVICE. If you want to NOT be dark, turn into a life lesson. BOOM. I said that.

  • Jennette 0 points

    Stop discussing you're own narrative construction!

  • Candy 0 points

    Or you could lampshade a positive message via subtle symbolism that reinforces the "Reunion" and "Togetherness" themes we cultivate, after all, the begining of all that trial crap is the inverse of those concepts, thus there is potential for a massive inversion which makes the final message all the more... "F**K YEAH* -ey.

    And Jet Skiing.

    Just saying.

  • Candy 0 points


  • Vinaria 0 points


  • Evangel 0 points

    Fair enough. But I had a purpose to work towards WHILST I was being gloomy, at least, Rid!

  • Riddler 0 points

    You're the last person I want to hear that from, Ev.

  • Evangel 0 points

    *of :p

  • Evangel 0 points

    Only since Vinaria got rid of all alcoholic substances on the Violet Viper!
    And do you not recall the seven year gloom you were in when we thought she was dead?? HELLO. GLoomy gloom guts or gloom.

  • Riddler 0 points

    I'm sober lots, thankyou,

  • Evangel 0 points

    ...When you're sober.

  • Riddler 0 points

    I am NOT gloomy!

  • Torren 0 points

    Hey, I bring some light!! I'm not all gloomy! I'm less gloomy than your RIddler anyway...

  • Vinaria 0 points

    I'm having trouble with my universe at the moment. It's so dark. I don't like that. I need to find a way to bring the light in. Why is it always MY responsibility to light htings up? Why can no-one else bring in the light? pfft...

    Hm. Maybe I should just do more shows...

  • Jennette 0 points

    Entity stole my Banana quote...



  • -- 0 points

    One more word, and i turn your neocortex into a flower pot!

  • Non-Existent Entatie 0 points


  • Vinaria 0 points


  • Non-Existent Entatie 0 points

    you're Vinaria FREAKING Sol... do you see the irony here?!

  • Vinaria 0 points

    ...too much to take in.

  • Non-Existent Entatie 0 points

    Ouch... hmm strange normally Vinaria would have had a much bigger reaction to someone saying that they don't care about her or the things she does... i guess though it is different but still.

    the people on this site are so oblivious -.-' its a little worrying

  • Torren 0 points

    Hey all :) I'm watching Terminator tonight. It's so... well... dorky, but its also so completely amazing :) I love this song.

  • Vinaria 0 points

    Evangel, you're... So... diplomatic...

  • Evangel 0 points

    Fun fact? This is why we, people of The Violet Viper, DO NOT CARE whether you guys get together or not. You kind of are and aren't and you're married anyway so we all gave up shipping it coz it was too confusing. Coy is the only one who cares. And everyone knows why, so we stopped caring about that too.

    No care factor. It just became too ordinary.

  • Vinaria 0 points

    .... Well then. It would be nice if I could remember that.



    Strange day.

  • Riddler 0 points

    Um. Yeah. Okay. Marriage.

    The time spent on Syrat was hectic.

  • Vinaria 0 points

    PROGRESSION!? What in the verse do you mean by "PROGRESSION"??

  • Riddler 0 points

    I can't believe you want to publicise this conversation, Vinaria. However, if I put that aside...

    You were on THe Priory, VInaria. YOu know what happened there. Are you suprrised there was a progression after that?

  • Non-Existent Entatie 0 points

    at least let her type Riddler......

  • Vinaria 0 points


  • Non-Existent Entatie 0 points

    I didn't make up any rules. i simple gave D. Cutler the basic guide lines of what happens on here.
    and also don't worry about that ring Vinaria... its just..... uhh... im sorry Riddler i tried

  • Vinaria 0 points

    Hey-oooo I'm back!

    So. I found a wedding ring in Riddler's draw with my name on it. Not an engagement right, a WEDDING ring. Questions will be asked..... It's weird because I don't remember being married. At all. Not that I have any memory of Syrat... but still.

  • Vinaria 0 points

    Entatie, stop making up silly rules. D. Cutler can talk about the movie! THe movie is good.
    Oh, crap, I wanted to say more but I have to go...... T_T I will mis you all dearly...

  • -- 0 points

    DAMMITT!!-- the name sounds hilarious though.

  • Non-Existent Entatie 0 points

    I already know who you are :)
    but anyway id like your opinion on the cherry poppin daddies... i think they're really good but i like to hear others opinions :)

    ...... so anyway.. what happened to the crew? what you all suddenly stopped existing? WTF THATS MY BIT.. wait NO EVANGEL YOUR PLAN WENT OFF TO EARLY.... god damn it
    well... oh well i guess ill just sit here waiting for new people then
    *twiddles thumbs*

  • -- 0 points

    Im Back.. you will never know my name :) Non-existent entity

  • Non-Existent Entatie 0 points

    everyone (cept me) stays silent for the next few days... some shocked, some stunned and some unable to get onto the website at the present time...
    they cant resist the temptation to post random mindless comments (even though they are right next to each other) on here for very long FUAHAHAHAHAHA..... *ahem*

  • D.Cutler 0 points

    what happens if i talk about the movie eh??, this may be fun...

  • Non-Existent Entatie 0 points

    Welcome D.Cutler
    let me explain what happens on this site...

    so you have already broken rule one

    2) other than that have just have fun and if you can try to annoy the promise's crew members (Vinaria, Riddler, Candy, Torren, Evangel)

    if you want the history of the site... i think Jennette can explain that better than i can.

    also... WHO THE HELL IS "--"?! what did no one see him/her post?!??!?!!!! *pop* a wild conspiracy wants tto fight

  • Jennette 0 points


    Yeah. THere are some odd comments on here :)


    "Do I look like the mother of the future?? I can't even balance my cheque book!!"

  • D.Cutler 0 points

    So Reese is crazy?
    In technical terminology: he's a loon.

    this movie is GREAT!! Weird comments on here though

  • Vinaria 0 points

    "No need to catch my breath I can go on and on and on..."

  • Riddler 0 points

    Jeez how fast can you comment on this thing? You want to stop and take a breather??

  • Vinaria 0 points

    Any excuse to get close and personal, eh Rid?

  • Riddler 0 points

    She's not kidding. I had to stitch her up four separate times.

  • -- 0 points

    No matter how paranoid you are, you're not paranoid enough.

  • Vinaria 0 points

    Sorry Entity... I've been busy. My life is combat at the moment! :)

  • Non-Existent Entatie 0 points

    so i guess im now just sitting here... alone...

  • Non-Existent Entatie 0 points

    ...... damn it

  • Non-Existent Entatie 0 points

    this time?

  • Non-Existent Entatie 0 points

    *looks around suspiciously...*
    /changes square colour again

  • Non-Existent Entatie 0 points

    so... i just realised all of this time that iv been hoping for a reply from candy that Torren sent him out to get coffee ... DAMN IT
    i want an answer

  • Riddler 0 points

    Oh. and Vinaria? CHOCOLATE OR CINNAMON!??

  • Non-Existent Entatie 0 points

    oh never mind .. just a little in joke :)

  • Riddler 0 points

    Evangel... what did that mean??

  • Non-Existent Entatie 0 points

    hey Evengal ... wanna chime in here or...?

  • Evangel 0 points

    ^^ heheheheh ^^

  • Vinaria 0 points

    Sucks for you Rid! XD

  • Torren 0 points

    Awesomeness is genetic.

  • Riddler 0 points

    Weren't you too at eachothers throats a second ago?? WHat did I miss?

  • Non-Existent Entatie 0 points

    phone? they don't have something a little more.. advanced than that to access the internet while on the move in the future??

    i didnt fail to reach my expedition was just ... prolonged :D

    and that's not suggestive... wait.. HOW DID YOU GET YOUR NAME?!
    that's one thing i don't know... HOW?! i mean i know about the candy's .. lets say well timed proposal and about the rose outfit ... BUT HOW DID YOU GET YOUR NICKNAME?!

  • Torren 0 points

    XD ah yes. You CERTAINLY do! XD Luvya Vi.

  • Vinaria 0 points

    Got to hand it to us, :P don't you, Tory??

  • Candy 0 points


    I'll be back.

  • Torren 0 points


    Coffe sounds good, actually. Y'know? All sweet, and punchy, and energising.

  • Candy 0 points

    You ACTUALLY went to get her coffee??

  • Riddler 0 points

    Vi do you want chocolate or cinnamon on your foam??

  • Vinaria 0 points

    Torren, my sweet, my long lost daughter, my loin fruit, people who live in glass houses indicate swear words via sparkles towards me.

  • Evangel 0 points

    hahahahaha. oh joy! That was funny.

  • Torren 0 points

    Backhanded? I don't think so. I was leading into an overt LIKE MOTHER ***** LIKE DAUGHTER.

  • Vinaria 0 points

    If your making a backhanded point, Torren, it's existence has been refused :)

  • Torren 0 points

    AAAAAAAAAAAAAANd suggestiveness.

  • Vinaria 0 points

    WHO could say no to me?? :p

  • Candy 0 points

    You could say 'no' RIddler. Not sure you're aware of the concept...?

  • Torren 0 points

    Vi sent you out on a coffee run again didn't she?

  • Riddler 0 points

    On my phone.

  • Evangel 0 points

    Ooh a humerous call-back. ^^ I love it. where in the hell did Riddler come from, though?

  • Riddler 0 points


  • Vinaria 0 points


  • Riddler 0 points


  • Vinaria 0 points

    ...Torren dear...? STOP BEING SUGGESTIVE!!

  • Torren 0 points

    I could probably put his brain to a halt...

  • Vinaria 0 points

    Stop being smart.

  • Candy 0 points

    You expect us to wait and not comment? Your hte one who made us comment here anyway. Contradiction.

  • Vinaria 0 points

    HEY!! Your comments have shoved my Entity rebuttle into obscurity!!

  • Candy 0 points


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