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Race with the Devil lyrics
But I'll out run the Devil on judgement day, I said
Move hot-rod, move man
Move hot-rod, move man
Move hot-rod, move me on down the line, oh yeah
Well, me and the Devil at a night stop light
He started rollin', I was out of sight, I said
Move hot-rod, move man
Move hot-rod, move man
Move hot-rod, move me on down the line, oh yeah
Well, goin' pretty fast, looked behind
A hear come the Devil doin' ninety-nine, I said
Move hot-rod, move man
Move hot-rod, move man
Move hot-rod, move me on down the line
Let's drag now
Thought I was smart, the race was won
A hear come the Devil doin' a hundred and one
Move hot-rod, move man
Move hot-rod, move man
Move hot-rod, move me on down the the line
Let's drag again
Well, goin' pretty fast, looked behind
A hear come the the Devil doin' ninety-nine, I said
Move hot-rod, move man
Move hot-rod, move man
Move hot-rod, move me on down the the line, oh yeah
Well, I've led an evil life, so they say
But I'll hide from the Devil on judgement day, I said
Move hot-rod, move man
Move hot-rod, move man
Move hot-rod, move me on down the the line
But I'll out run the Devil on judgement day, I said
Part of these releases
- Track 10 on Rhythm Kings Live
- 9 Taxman
- 11 I Shall Not Be Moved
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Race with the Devil Video
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